Mo's Activities Council (MAC) is the University of Central Missouri's student programming board. MAC's core tenet is "students programming for students." The organization provides valuable programming for our entire student body, but also an invaluable leadership opportunity to those that want to be involved in making those events happen.
Mo's Activities Council is dedicated to providing a variety of events that aim to educate, engage and entertain. The best part - all MAC events are FREE.
General Body Meetings
Any UCM student can join the MAC General Body. General Body meets every Thursday at 4 p.m. in Union 217. Meetings are a fun way to get to know other students, help decide what is brought to campus, and volunteer for events.
MAC Leadership
Mo's Activities Council has a leadership team that works collaboratively to implement all programs. Committees are formed as needed for larger events and promotions.
Mo's Activities Council partners with other campus organizations and offices throughout the year to better serve or students, pool resources, and avoid the unnecessary duplication of services. Email us if interested.
Mo's Activities Council is dedicated to providing programming that address the following themes:
Pride & Traditions - programs related to school spirit or history
Ideas & Issues - educational and cultural programs that feature important topics or current events
Special Events - entertainment programs, including most staged acts
Recreation & Leisure - interactive programs that get students active and engaged
Mules After Dark - late night programming
Office of Student Activities
Elliott Student Union, Room 217
Tel: (660)543-4007