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Central Regional Professional Development Center

Aspiring to promote excellent teaching and learning every day

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education established the Central Regional Professional Development Center in 1995. Its mission is to build the capacity of educators and schools to maximize student performance through high quality professional learning.

CRPDC Staff Photo 2024


  • Professional learning that improves educator effectiveness is fundamental to student learning
  • All educators have an obligation to improve their practice
  • More students achieve when educators assume collective responsibility for student learning
  • Successful leaders create and sustain a culture of learning
  • Effective school systems commit to continuous improvement for all adults and students


The Central RPDC would like to thank the following for their support in promoting professional learning to advance student achievement:

  • DESE
  • Regional School Districts
  • University of Central Missouri
  • Missouri Learning Forward

Service Area

The Central Regional Professional Development Center is one of nine Regional Professional Development Centers established by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The Centers provide a wide range of services to meet the needs of teachers, administrators, and school districts. Each center will differ from the others as the goal is to meet the district needs of professional educators of each region. Seventy-one school districts directly benefit from services provided by the Central RPDC. The Central Region is comprised of the following fourteen Missouri counties:

  • Bates
  • Benton
  • Carroll
  • Cass
  • Henry
  • Hickory
  • Johnson
  • Lafayette 
  • Morgan
  • Pettis
  • Ray
  • St. Clair
  • Saline
  • Vernon

Central RPDC Delivery Methods of Professional Learning

The Central RPDC provides professional development using a variety of delivery methods:

  • In person (Central RPDC/UCM campus) Professional Learning
  • In person (on-site) Professional Learning
  • Multimodal coaching (phone, email, conference call, etc.)
  • Virtual (synchronous) Professional Learning
  • Virtual (asynchronous) Professional Learning
  • Customized by Design (hybrid, including a mixture of virtual and in-person learning)


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