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Admission Requirements and Accreditation Information

Human Development and Family Science, MS - MFT Degree Option

Mission, Program Goals and Student Learning Outcomes

MFT Program Mission

The Marriage and Family Therapy specialization aims to train clinically competent Marriage and Family Therapists through quality academic instruction and supervised clinical practice. Our goal is to train therapists that are clinically effective, guided by an awareness of systemic processes, devoted to multicultural competence, and to ethical and evidence-based practice.

MFT Program Goals & Student Learning Outcomes

The MFT Specialization Goals & Student Learning Outcomes are based on the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) Core Competencies, Association of Marital and Family Therapy Regulatory Boards (AMFTRB), the Missouri State Committee of Marital & Family Therapists, and the AAMFT Code of Ethics. Pursuant to our mission, the Marriage and Family Therapy specialization has established four overarching goals. Each of these goals informs Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) by which we measure success.

Program Goal 1: Clinical Effectiveness

  • SLO 1: Students will demonstrate fundamental skills of therapy and family systems theories with individuals, couples, and families.
  • SLO 2: Students will demonstrate ability to effectively apply therapy models and interventions to individuals, couples, and families.

Program Goal 2: Diversity

  • SLO 3: Students will demonstrate awareness and sensitivity to their and the clients’ cultural and other contextual factors, particularly as related to privilege and marginalized and underserved communities.

Program Goal 3: Ethics and Professional Development

  • SLO 4: Students will demonstrate competence in managing legal and ethical issues related to the practice of marriage and family therapy.
  • SLO 5: Students will demonstrate collaborative, systemic, multidisciplinary practice skills. 
  • SLO 6: Students will demonstrate professionalism across clinical and professional contexts.    

Program Goal 4: Theory, Research and Practice

  • SLO 7: Students will demonstrate understanding of human development and family science theories.
  • SLO 8: Students will demonstrate competence in evaluating and integrating research on best practices to inform their practice.

Program Guide
Explore admissions requirements, learning outcomes, degree requirements, course options and more.


Adriatik Likcani, Ph.D., LMFT
Associate Professor, MFT Program Director
UCM Health Center 117
Warrensburg, MO 
Tel: 660-543-4244

Harmon College of Business and Professional Studies

Department of Human Services

Human Development and Family Science

MFT Program Handbook

Graduate Achievement Data

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Marriage and Family Therapy Specialization - 54 credits 

  • 2 years of coursework with a simultaneous clinic practice component
  • Prepares students to be eligible for licensure in the state of Missouri and many other states
  • On-site student training clinic for direct clinical supervision 

Entrance Requirements 

  • Be fully admitted by UCM Graduate Studies
  • Have completed a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution
  • Have a minimum undergraduate 2.50 GPA or 3.00 minimum in undergraduate major
  • Have completed at least nine college credit hours in social or behavioral sciences. Based on transcript analyses, students may be required to complete up to 15 credit hours of background courses in HDFS prior to taking graduate-level courses.
  • Submit three reference forms
  • Submit Admission Essay (500 words maximum) addressing the following questions:
    • Why are you choosing this degree?
    • How can UCM HDFS degree assist you to reach your career goal?
  • Interview- an interview will be scheduled for eligible candidates

Preference date for applications is February 1 and interviews begin the third week of February. Applications will still be accepted after the priority date. 


Course Sequence

Courses are offered in the graduate program in the fall, spring, and summer semesters. Upon admission to the program, you will work wtih the HDFS Coordinator to schedule your first semester classes.  Subsequent semesters, you will work with your faculty advisor for course scheduling options and advice. Students pursuing the Marriage and Family Therapy Option of the Human Development and Family Science, MS degree can view the course sequence in the MFT Program Handbook.



The Marriage and Family Therapy specialization was developed to meet accreditation standards of the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE) and the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT). As a recently established program, we are currently in the process of applying for accreditation. Our Master’s Program will meet the licensure requirements of most states that follow COAMFTE accreditation. Please contact MFT Program Director, Dr. Adriatik Likcani if you have any questions about the program curriculum and meeting licensure requirements.


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