Creativity and expressive arts in counseling and supervision, as well as counselor development, spark Dr. Nancy Forth’s research interests. Originally from Illinois, she earned her BA in Psychology and Sociology as well as her MS in Counseling & Development from Texas Woman's University. She earned her PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision from the University of Wyoming. Dr. Forth has license as a professional counselor (LPC), Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC), and has clinical experience working with couples and families, individuals, and groups. With over 25 years of counseling and teaching in counseling programs and numerous state, regional, and national presentations, published book chapters, and professional journal articles, she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to UCM’s Counseling program. As the chair of the Department of Counseling and Educational Ledership, she teaches clinical courses as well as Foundations, Career, and Management courses. She has been involved with many local, state, regional, and national professional organizations. She served as President of the American Counseling Association of Missouri, and is currently a member of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) / Counselor Educators Advisory Committee.