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Evaluation of Capstone Experience by Preceptor

Evaluation of Capstone Experience by Preceptor

Preceptors: This evaluation is part of the systematic process of data collection used by Kansas City area nursing programs to determine program effectiveness and foster ongoing program improvement. Further, these data are required by State Boards of Nursing/accrediting agencies.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts about your experiences with our students.

The Goals of focus for the Capstone Experience support the student as they integrate previous learning and continue to develop the roles of the baccalaureate generalist nurse at the novice level.
I was able to support the student in meeting the following 4 goals.
Any student scheduling conflicts will be resolved between student, faculty, and EP (designated school representative). If needed, requests for accommodation will be sent to CP (designated hospital representative) for consideration. Neither students nor faculty will solicit preceptors from the clinical site.


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