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Preceptor Evaluation of University of Central Missouri (UCM) Student Performance

Preceptor Evaluation of University of Central Missouri (UCM) Student Performance

Thank you for serving as a clinical preceptor for an RN-BSN nursing student from the University of Central Missouri. Please complete this form upon the student’s completion of his or her practicum hours with you. We appreciate your time and effort in helping the RN student meet his or her practicum goals.

your first & last name
your title
your place of employment
student's first & last name
title of project completed under your direction

In addition, please provide feedback regarding your assessment of the level which, in your opinion, the student met or did not meet the following practicum objectives. Your input is highly valued.

​I, the Preceptor, observed and evaluate​d the student ​listed above ​while he/she complete​d ​the practicum project in my facility. This ​was done in conjunction with a UCM faculty member. I verify​ ​that I ​worked with the student listed above. I accept that submission of this form is in place of my signature.


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