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Information for Faculty and Staff


Can Faculty and Staff join the Global Vision programs?

Yes, in fact, the Global Vision program is eager to open this opportunity to faculty and staff to all offices, academic units, and support resources at UCM. 


What are the chaperones’ responsibilities?

The two chaperones selected by the committee will have responsibility as UCM representatives and resources for the students while abroad, from travel to daily activities with the students. Meetings with the students during their course and planning meetings will also be required. Chaperones will NOT be required to teach the course associated with the Global Vision trip. 


Do chaperones receive any payment for this? 

Yes, faculty can choose between a $1,000 stipend or $1,000 in professional development funds. Staff will receive $1,000 in professional development funds. Stipends are taxed while professional development funds are not taxed. (Employees who accrue vacation will need to use vacation time if they miss days they are assigned to work).


Why isn’t this just for Political Science and International Studies-related fields? 

There are several reasons. First, the goal is to improve access for students from all majors, and it makes sense to have chaperones from all over campus. Second, with the program expanding, it is expected that chaperones will not want to, or be able to, travel with every trip or every year. Third, these service projects can benefit from a wide variety of expertise and backgrounds. The simple truth is, underserved communities need a variety of resources, and there is no telling how much impact this program could have on the UCM community.


Where can I apply to join one of the programs?

Please contact Dr. Robynn Kuhlmann for additional information (


Does the scholarship cover my costs? 

Yes. Just like the students, all airfare and services on site are covered. 


Are there any additional out of pocket expenses?

Each traveler should be ready to pay out of pocket for any tourist-y things like souvenirs. In addition, most trips do have optional excursions that students and chaperones can take advantage of. Whether this is covered for the chaperones will be determined on a trip by trip basis. 


Do I have to pay a study abroad fee? 

No. Faculty Leaders on study tours have never been charged a study abroad fee, and both chaperones on each Global Vision trip will be considered Leaders.


What if a family member would like to accompany me? 

Faculty and Staff are able to bring spouses and/or children in general. They should plan, however, on making arrangements to pay for their portion out of pocket as needed before the trip.  Please note that if the trip has a maximum and is full, there may be limited space for additional travelers. 


Can I choose which trip I am interested in? 

Each year will have several different programs at different locations on different dates. You can identify which trips you could join, as well as which trip you prefer.


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