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Missouri Reverse Transfer

What is the Missouri Reverse Transfer (MRT) program?

The Missouri Reverse Transfer (MRT) program provides an opportunity for students who have transferred from a 2-year college to a 4-year college or university to earn an associate degree.  Students who have stopped out of higher education but who have earned credit at either a 2-year or 4-year institution may also be eligible to recieve a reverse transfer degree.  This is a statewide initiative to help more Missourians earn degrees.  All public and a number of independent colleges and universities in the state particpate in the MRT program.   There are no additional fees for students to participate in the MRT program.  Find detailed information about Missouri Reverse Transfer at the Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development website.

What are the benefits?

  • Possible career advancement (more job opportunities, higher pay) with an earned associates degrees
  • Earn your associate degree while pursuing your bachelor’s degree
  • Possibly meet general education requirements at your 4-year institution
  • Increase degree attainment for students in the state of Missouri
  • Ensure that all eligible students have the opportunity to be awarded a first associate degree that reflects their educational effots and allows them to compete more successfully in other academic arenas and the workforce

Are you eligible?

  • To be awarded an associate degree from an institution, a student must earn a minimum of 15 college-level, degree-eligible, transferable credit hours at a single Missouri 2-year institution.  There is no requirement for the credit hours to occur at any particular point within the accumulation of the credit hours.  
  • Upon entry into MRT, students are degree-seeking for an appropriate associate's degree. 
  • Students are not eligible for the program if they currently possess an associate degree or higher.
  • It is possible to have the associate degree and bachelor's degree awarded simultaneoulsy.  
  • Students who have credit from multiple 2-year institutions will have the associate degree award from the institution from which the greatest number of transferable credit was awarded.*
  • If two or more instutions have the same number of transferable credit to the 4-year instititution, the most recently attended institutions is identified as the degree-granting institution (DGI).*
  • *Students may select any institution at which they have completed a minimum of 15 credit hours as their DGI.  If different from the hierarchy identified above, it is the responsibility of the student to notify the UCM Registrar's Office (WDE 1000, of their preference.

What do you need to do to participate in Reverse Transfer?

Missouri Reverse Transfer is set up so that you as the student do not have to do a lot of work.  We want this to be seamless and easy.  You will need to give UCM permission to share your official transcripts with your 2-year college.  It is as easy as completing a form.  This is referred to as Opting In.   There are no fees to participate in the MRT program.

In an effort to remain FERPA compliant, all students wishing to participate in MRT are required to “opt-in” to the program. By doing so, the student agrees to the exchange of transcript information between the two institutions and is automatically declared for degree candidacy.  If a student self-identifies to be removed from the program or graduates from the institution, this will result in an automatic “opting-out” of MRT by that student. If MRT decisions are not acceptable to the MRT student, that student is then allowed to appeal said decisions by contacting the articulation and transfer officer at the degree-granting institution.  


Contact the Registrar's Office at or 660-543-4900 or click here for frequently asked questions.

MRT Opt In


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