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Dr. Sam Ramanujan


Dr. Sam S. Ramanujan

Computer Information Systems and Analytics
Dockery 301G
(660) 441-0496


Doctor of Philosophy (1995)
Major: Information Systems
Minor: Psychometrics
University of Houston
Houston, Texas

MBA (1989)
Major: CIS and Quant. Analysis
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, Arkansas

PGDM (1987)
Major: Information Systems
XLRI Institute of Management Studies
Jamshedpur, India

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) (1985)
Major: Economics
University of Delhi
New Delhi, India

Dr. Sam Ramanujan has been teaching advanced OO programming and software engineering courses for over 2 decades.  In addition to software development, he also is a subject matter expert in big data architecture and visual analytics.  His academic experience is complemented by significant industry experience in developing and deploying complex systems.  


Indran, A., Ramanujan. S., Kesh, S., “Legal issues in delivering healthcare IT solutions”, Journal of Technology Research, June 2017. Vol 7. [C]

Paravasthu, N., Ramanujan, S., and Ratnasingham, P., “Role of Trust in Ecommerce: A Comprehensive Model of Interpersonal and Technology Trust Constructs,” Encyclopedia of E-Commerce Development, Implementation, and Management, 2016, pp 1737-1747. [D]

Mishra, R., Palmer, B., and Ramanujan, S., “Electronic Medical Records, Patient Privacy and Deployment of Healthcare Systems on Cloud Resources: Analysis of the Legal, Business and Technological Aspects”, JABR, Summer 2015. Vol 3, No. 2. [C]

P.J.Harrison and Ramanujan, S.,  “Electronic Medical Records:  Great Idea or Great Threat to Privacy?”  Review of Business Information Systems Journal. January 2011 (C).

Ramanujan, S,  Kesh, S. and Triche, J., “Do You Want Me To Publish That Now: A legal analysis of online publishing”, Issues in Information Systems.  October 2010. Vol 11, No. 1., pp. 85-89. (C)

Ramanujan, S and Nerur, S,,  “An Exploratory Analysis of the State of Software Maintenance Research: An Author Co-Citation Analysis”, Journal of Systems and Information Technology.  2009 Vol. 11 No. 2, 117-130 (D)

Ramanujan, S and Shanmugham, S.,  “Open Source Software – Does it really threaten the industry’s profitable future?”, A.T. Business Management Review.   August 2008. Vol 4., No 2, 20-26 (C)

Ramanujan, S,  Kesh, S. and Steve Ewens ., “Domain Name Disputes: Technology Outpaces the Legal System”, Issues in Information Systems.  October 2008. Vol 9, No. 1., pp. 139-145. (C)

Kesh, S. and Ramanujan, S., “Issues in Network Analysis and Design: A Critical Examination”, Issues in Information Systems.  October 2008. Vol 9, No. 2., pp. 378-384. (C)

Ramanujan, S and Kesh, S.,  “The Effect of Semantic Knowledge on Software Maintenance: An Empirical Study”, Issues in Information Systems.  October 2007. Vol. 8, No. 1-2, pp 280-286 (C)

Ramanujan, S and Kesh, S.,  “Institutional factors affecting Software Maintenance”, Issues in Information Systems.   (October 2007.)

Ramanujan, S and Jane, S., ““Impact of legislation on Off shoring and Outsourcing of IT”,  Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge. March 2006. (Applied – won Best Paper Award)

Ramanujan, S and Kesh, S.,  “Impact of e-Commerce Legislations on Business”, Issues in Information Systems.   October 2004.

Ramanujan, S., and Kesh, S.,   "Impact of Legislation on Design of E-commerce Systems " 2004 IACIS Conference, Cancun, Mexico.

Kesh, S., and Ramanujan, S., "Identifying Collaborative Software Requirements" Proceedings of the 2004 Decision Sciences Institute, Boston, MA.

Ramanujan, S., Kesh, S., and Nerur, S., ” Curricular Issues In Management Of Distributed Computing - A Workshop “,Proceedings of the 2001 Information Resources Management Association International Conference, Toronto, ON.

Ramanujan, S., Kesh, S., and Nerur, S., ” Curricular Issues In Management Of Distributed Computing - A Workshop “,Proceedings of the 2001 Information Resources Management Association International Conference, Toronto, ON.

Ramanujan(*), Scamell and Shah., “An Experimental Investigation of the Impact of Individual, Program, and Organizational Characteristics on Software Maintenance EffortJournal of Software and Systems, October 2000.

Ramanujan, S. (*) and Hal, Lou. , "Outsourcing maintenance operations to off-shore vendors: Some lessons from the field " Journal of Global Information Systems, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1997.

Ramanujan, S.(*) and Cooper, R.B., "A Human Information Processing Perspective On Software Maintenance," OMEGA, Vol. 22, No. 2, 1995, 185-203.

Ramanujan, S., Kesh, S., and Nerur, S., ” Curricular Issues In Management Of Distributed Computing - A Workshop “,2000 DSI conference, Orlando, FL.

Ramanujan, S., Kesh, S., and Nerur, S., ”Pedagogical issues in Object Orientation “,1999 DSI conference, New Orleans, LA.

Ramanujan, S., Kesh, S., and Nerur, S., ”Recent Data Communication Technologies and Small Business “,1998 DSI conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Ramanujan, S.(*) and Kesh, S., "Issues in Intranet development" Proceedings of the 1998 Information Resources Management Association International Conference, Boston, MA.

Ramanujan, S. and Hal, Lou. , "Computer-Mediated collaborative distance learning: A case study of Lotus learning space" Proceedings of the 1997 Information Resources Management Association International Conference, Vancouver, B.C. Canada.

Ramanujan, S. (*) and Hal, Lou. , "Outsourcing base support operations to off-shore vendors: Some lessons from the field "  Proceedings of the 1996 Information Resources Management Association International Conference, Washington D.C.

Ramanujan, S.,  "An Experimental Investigation of the Impact of Individual and Organizational Characteristics on Software Maintenance Effort", Proceedings of the 1996 Association for Information Systems Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Ramanujan, S. (*) and Scamell, R., "An Experimental Investigation of the Impact of  Individual and Program Characteristics on Software Maintenance Effort: A Human Information Processing Perspective", 1996 DSI conference, Orlando, FL.

Ramanujan, S.(*) and Hirschheim, R., "Global Information Systems: Researchers' and Practitioners' Perspectives," Proceedings of the 1993 Information Resources Management Association International Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, 68-80.

Bhattacherjee, A. and Ramanujan, S., "Implementation of a New Paradigm of Organizational Computing," Proceedings of the 1994 Information Resources Management Association International Conference, San Antonio, Texas, 305-317.

Hirschheim, R., Ramanujan, S., Jenkins, D. and Goles, T., "Selective Sourcing as an Information Systems Development Strategy: Some Lessons From The Field," 1995 ISRC White Paper, University of Houston, Houston, Texas.


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