Open Calendar


CPT Tyler Knudson


CPT Tyler Knudson

Assistant Professor of Military Science
Military Science & Leadership 
WDE 2400
(660) 543-4864

CPT Knudson commissioned from St. Cloud State University in 2017 as a Military Police (MP) Officer and attended MP Basic Officer Leadership Course in Ft. Leonard Wood before moving to Ft. Drum where he served on staff in the S3 and also as a Platoon Leader from 2018 to 2020.  CPT Knudson returned to Ft. Leonard Wood to serve as an Executive Officer for a one station unit training company, then attended Captains Career Course from 2020 to 2022. CPT Knudson returned to Ft. Drum in 2022 as the Battalion S4 and commanded the 511th Military Police Company up to its inactivation in September 2024. 

CPT Knudson is married to Shannon. They have been together for 12 years and married for 5. They have two beautiful girls, Scarlett and Caroline.


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