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CPT Mike Antel


CPT Mike Antel 

Assistant Professor of Military Science
Military Science & Leadership 
WDE 2414


CPT Mike Antel commissioned in 2015 as a Field Artillery Officer after graduating from Truman State University.  CPT Antel served in the 75TH Field Artillery Brigade as a HIMARS Platoon Leader, Liaison Officer and Fire Direction Officer.  He also instructed at the U.S. Army Field Artillery Basic Officer Leaders Course (BOLC), and commanded an Advanced Individual Training battery.  His most recent assignment was as a Ground Liaison Officer stationed at Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota (Boeing B-52H Stratofortress), where he supported Air Force Global Strike Command’s worldwide mission.

CPT Antel has deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan and Qatar, and has supported Bomber Task Force missions to Anderson Air Force Base, Guam, and Royal Air Force Fairford, U.K.  He has accumulated 26 flight hours in the B-52H.

His military training includes Field Artillery BOLC and Field Artillery Captain’s Career Course.


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