By Alex Greenwood,
July 18, 2024

Members of the Missouri Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Missouri program toured the University of Central Missouri Lee's Summit at Missouri Innovation Campus and experienced the Extended Reality Studio and Nursing Simulation center, among
other workforce and technology innovations.
Workforce and technology training were the topics of the day as members of the Missouri
Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Missouri program toured the University of Central
Missouri (UCM) Lee's Summit at Missouri Innovation Campus (MIC) on July 17.

The Leadership Missouri program aims to foster leadership skills in individuals across
the state for brighter futures and stronger communities. The 27 members of the 2024
Leadership Missouri are assigned a capstone project from among the topics of Technology,
Workforce Development, Mental Health, and Public Safety. Several class members have
chosen Technology and Workforce Development as their capstone project. Therefore,
during their visit at MIC, they had an opportunity to see real-world examples of technology
and workforce development.
UCM President Roger Best welcomed the program members, sharing UCM’s innovative approach
to workforce and technology training, as well as to spotlight the efforts of all state
universities in pushing forward to meet the workforce needs of the state of Missouri.
“UCM was thrilled to have this distinguished group see the great things happening
at the Missouri Innovation Campus to meet the workforce needs of Missouri,” said David
Pearce, executive director for governmental relations at UCM. “They walked away knowing
that higher education is listening to the business community about workforce needs
and skills.”
The group toured the MIC facility and learned about UCM’s technology, workforce development
and MIC programs including the state-of-the-art extended reality lab and nursing simulation
The XR Studio is a working lab for innovation unlike any other in the region, offering
a significant advantage for individuals and organizations seeking to create unique
and meaningful AR and VR experiences.
A major element of the MIC nursing programs, the simulations center brings faculty
and students together in real-life, hands-on situations to provide students with an
incredibly realistic health care experience. The MIC is home to many state-of-the-art
simulation dummies to assist with applied learning activities on a full spectrum of
nursing scenarios, including pre-and-postnatal care. The group experienced the Simulation
Suite, which includes four fully interactive hospital rooms, the control rooms, two
patient rooms, and two debriefing rooms.
Learn more about the MIC here.