By Jeff Murphy,
February 20, 2023

WARRENSBURG, MO – University of Central Missouri Theatre and Dance and UCM Music present
“Eurydice” at James L. Highlander Theatre at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 23, 24 and 25, and during
matinees at 2 p.m. Feb. 25 and 26. The afternoon production on Feb. 26 is Pay-What-You-Can
(minimum $1) admission and on Feb. 23 there will be an ASL interpreter for the hearing-impaired.
The play is for individuals age 5 and older, although it does include mature themes.
“Eurydice” is written by Sarah Ruhl, one of America’s top living playwrights, and
is a popular script to produce due to its openness for artistic interpretation. In
the play, the main character, Euydice, dies on her wedding day and must journey to
the underworld. It is there where she reunites with her father and struggles to remember
her lost love. The play is a reimagining of the classic myth of Orpheus and Eurydice
through contemporary characters, ingenious plot twists and breathtaking visual effects.
This performance provides a fresh look at a timeless love story, taking the myth and
making it fresh, accessible and exciting for audiences.
The play is directed by Visiting Assistant Professor of Performance, Jenise Cook,
and this is her directorial debut for UCM Theatre and Dance. When asked about the
play, she stated, “The story of Orpheus and Eurydice is a well-known myth that most
people love, have grown up with, and maybe recognize as just that - a myth. However,
our production of ‘Eurydice’ tells the story of love, unconditional love, grief, and
choice -- all universal things every human encounters during their lifetime. Our show
is a bridge between the mythological lore of these lovers and our human lives. Audiences
are going to be awed by the creative work of our designers and the powerful performances
of the actors.”
On Sunday, Feb. 26, UCM Theatre and Dance will present its Pay-What-You-Can performance.
Audiences may choose to pay any amount, $1 or above, for a ticket. On Feb. 23, an
ASL interpreter will be provided for anyone hearing impaired who would like to attend.
The cast includes: Mekdelawit Keller as Eurydice, Quinn Allen at Orpheus, Luke Habjan
as Father, Rosalyn Schuster as A Nasty Interesting Man/Lord of the Underworld, Grace
Clark as Little Stone, Paige Showen as Big Stone, and Danny Gage as Loud Stone.
The crew includes: Director Jenise Cook; Assistant Director TiJhana Hines; Scenic
Design/Technical Director Spencer Musser; Lighting Designer Jamie Gresens; Costume,
Hair and Makeup Designer Cassie Hoppas; Projections Designer/Head Electrician Gracie
Heath; Sound Designer Molly Blackburn; Stage Manager Emily Turner; Assistant Stage
Manager; Matthew Kimbel; Sound Board Operator Madison Eccleton; Wardrobe Crew Jace
Nielsen and Lily Wade; Run Crew Emily Meehan; Dramaturg Alyna Matthews; House Manager
Kyp Bellis; Publicity/Marketing Director Dr. Aaron Scully; Social Media Marketing
Specialist Mallory Griffin; Graduate Shop Assistant Dalima Kapten; Office Professional
Lars Jepsen, and Office Assistants Jennifer White and Mekdelawit Keller.
The Highlander Theatre is located east of the Elliot Student Union on the UCM campus.
Free parking is available in the adjacent parking lot on the south side of Clark Street.
Anyone who has questions about the production should contact Dr. Aaron Scully at or call the Theatre and Dance main office at 660-543-4020.
Tickets are available at the UCM Theatre and Dance Office, Martin Building 113, 8
a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, by calling 660-543-8811 or online at For any questions about tickets, please call 660-543-8811 or email