By Jeff Murphy,
June 2, 2023

WARRENSBURG, MO – Maximizing opportunities to connect students who have similar academic
interests at the University of Central Missouri, University Housing is launching a
new living-learning initiative beginning this fall. The Learning Communities program replaces the S.H.I.P. (Special Housing Interest Program), which began two
decades ago.
Learning Communities are living spaces for first-year students who are majoring in
specific academic programs of study. Students who choose this option will reside in
a residence hall with other students with the same academic interest, taking six to
seven credit hours of common enrolled classes in the fall semester.
Alan Nordyke, director of Residence and Greek Life, said the goals of this program
are to foster a strong connection to the academic area, build in- and out-of-class
networks, and support continuous learning between the academic area and daily lives
of students. Each academic area has a point of contact who will work with Housing
to facilitate the program goals. The designated academic point person, intentional
faculty involvement, and students who share enrollment in specific classes and majors
differentiate this initiative from the SHIP.
UCM’s offices of University Housing, Student Experience and Engagement and Academic
Affairs believe this new program will enhance student success and satisfaction while
creating strong personal connections to faculty and experienced students within the
major, Nordyke said. The academic areas/programs that are partnering with Housing
for the pilot program from 2023 to 2025 are: Art and Design, Aviation, Biology and
related fields, Computer Science and Software Engineering, Criminal Justice, Cybersecurity
and Information Technology, Education, Music, and Nursing.
This University Housing initiative is coming to fruition after a planning and implementation
process that has covered approximately two years.
“We started on the path to create Learning Communities in fall 2021 with signed agreements
made in spring 2022, and from there we have been moving towards implementation,” Nordyke
In addition to bringing together students with common academic interests, the program
organizers also expect to provide opportunities that include at least two activities
per month focused on areas of study, study groups, and peer-mentor programs with upper-class
Individuals who have questions about Learning Communities are encouraged to contact Nordyke at