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University News

Student in Science Lab
student success, UCM-LS, MIC, University News

Missouri Innovation Campus Program Begins Recruiting its 2023-27 Cohort

The Missouri Innovation Campus program is currently recruiting students for its 2023-27 cohort. Students entering the recognized program are in their sophomore year and come from Summit Technology Academy’s 33 sending high schools.

October 24, 2022
University News, Fac/Staff, Safety Sciences

National Safety Leaders Honor Popov with Prevention through Design Award

Dr. Georgi Popov, a university of Central Missouri faculty member who has distinguished himself as a professional leader in the reduction of workplace risks, this month was honored by three national organizations dedicated to safety. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) and the National Safety Council (NSC) partnered in the presentation of the second annual Prevention through Design (PtD) Award to Popov.

October 21, 2022
Department of Music, Student Experience and Engagement, University News

Native American Dancer, Inspirational Entertainer Supaman Brings One-of-a-Kind Performance to UCM Stage Nov. 8

Supaman, a performing artist who inspires others by merging into his live concerts Native American culture with comedy, dance and his unique blend of hip-hop music, will perform at the University of Central Missouri on Tuesday, Nov. 8. He takes the stage for this free, public event at 7:30 p.m. in Elliott Student Union 240, as part of the Ninth Annual Trading Moon Native American Arts Festival.

October 18, 2022


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