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University News

UCM Alumni Foundation, Intercollegiate Athletics, University News

UCM Cuts Ribbon Celebrating New Harbert Collegiate Golf Center, Commemorating New Era of Support, Success for Student Athletes

Ushering in a new era of support and success for the Mules and Jennies golf teams, the University of Central Missouri celebrated the opening of the new Randall and Kelly Harbert Collegiate Golf Center at the Mules National Golf Club on April 20.

April 24, 2024
UCM Alumni Foundation, Scholarship, University News

UCM Alumni Establish Scholarship Endowment for Participants in KC Lab Funded by Travis Kelce's Foundation

Combining their deep appreciation for the University of Central Missouri with their desire to support students, a Leawood, Kansas, couple has created an endowed scholarship for students who participated in Operation Breakthrough’s Ignition Lab, powered by Travis Kelce’s Eighty-Seven and Running Foundation. The first Homer and Becky Kay “I Matter” Scholarship was awarded in fall 2023 to a young Kansas City resident pursuing his degree in Music Technology at UCM.

January 02, 2024
homecoming, UCM Alumni Foundation, University News

Homecoming Celebration Honors Six UCM Alumni Along with Traditional Parade, Football Game, Other Special Events

With the theme, “Peace, Love and Mules,” opportunities abound for University of Central Missouri students and alumni to get their groove on while showing their UCM spirit during the 2023 Homecoming celebration Friday and Saturday, Oct. 20-21. This busy weekend includes an awards dinner honoring six outstanding Distinguished Alumni, Party in the Park, the annual Homecoming parade and Mules football game.

October 17, 2023


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