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University News

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computer science, affordability, University News

University of Central Missouri's Online Master's in Computer Science Program Achieves Top Rankings for Affordability and Overall Excellence

UCM's Online Master’s in Computer Science Program Achieves Top Rankings for Affordability and Overall Excellence

May 02, 2024
computer science, University News, student awards

UCM Students Capture Third Place in Kansas City Fed Code-A-Thon

A three-member team of students from the University of Central Missouri won third place in the seventh annual Kansas City Fed Code-A-Thon. Awards were presented on March 10. This highlighted competitive efforts that began with a two-day virtual event Feb. 23-24 in which the team was charged with developing software solutions to solve meaningful real-life problems, followed by a presentation on Feb. 26 to demonstrate their solution.

March 16, 2023
computer science, University News, Cloud Computing, CISA

UCM Joins AWS Academy Helping to Equip Students in Pursuit of In-Demand Cloud Computing Skills

The University of Central Missouri announces its participation in the AWS Academy, an Amazon Web Services (AWS) program that provides higher education institutions with a ready-to-teach cloud computing curriculum.

February 21, 2022


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