Open Calendar


UCM Participates in Statewide Tornado Drill March 7

By Jeff Murphy, February 27, 2017

WARRENSBURG, MO – As severe weather season approaches, the University of Central Missouri will join other schools and community agencies to participate in the Statewide Tornado Drill at 10 a.m. Tuesday, March 7.  Faculty, staff and students on both the Warrensburg campus and at UCM-Lee’s Summit will participate in the drill designed to orient campus members in the appropriate measures that should be taken during a real tornadic event.

The university realizes the drill may be a disruption to the daily schedule, but UCM’s responsibility to protect its faculty, staff and students cannot be over emphasized. Efforts will be made to keep the disruption to a minimum and it is anticipated the drill will be concluded in less than 15 minutes.

This drill is being planned, weather permitting. In the event of severe weather in our state on the day of the drill, the event will be postponed until March 9. The time is set by the state office of emergency management. All state, county, city outdoor warning sirens will activate at 10 a.m., including those in Jackson County for the UCM-Lee’s Summit site. The campus community will be notified by outdoor warning siren, building public address system (where available), and TextCaster text message subscription service (best method).

Upon notification, members of the campus community should move immediately to an indoor shelter/area, the lowest floor of their building and/or interior hallway, away from glass. The “all clear” will be given via TextCaster when the drill is finished.


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