By Jeff Murphy,
February 11, 2019

WARRENSBURG, MO – Enjoy mainstage theatre featuring students and faculty as the University
of Central Missouri Theatre and Dance presents the upcoming production of Tracy Letts’
Pulitzer Prize-winning play August: Osage County. The play runs from Wednesday, Feb.
20 to Sunday, Feb. 24 at the James L. Highlander Theatre on the UCM campus. The curtain
goes up at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday-Saturday and at 2 p.m. Sunday.
In this play, a father vanishes. A mother pops pills. Three sisters harbor shady little
secrets. When the Weston family unexpectedly reunites after their dad disappears,
their Osage County, Okla., homestead explodes into an eruption of hidden truths and
disturbing secrets. With Violet, the scathing, acidic matriarch's unpredictable behavior,
the play unflinchingly and uproariously exposes the dark side of the Midwestern American
The role of Violet is a coveted among actors, and was portrayed by Meryl Streep in
the film version of the play. UCM’s production features accomplished actress and faculty
member, Dr. Julie Rae Mollenkamp in the role of Violet.
Asked what drew Mollenkamp to the role of Violet, she stated, “What I find so exciting
about playing Violet it is that she reverses the trope of the sins of the father.
It is the sins of the mother visited upon the children. And the fact that the children
are smart enough to realize it and work to break the cycle. All of us possess good
and bad inside, but Violet follows her worst instincts. It’s terrible and frightening
to admit, but it’s exhilarating to explore that dark side. She is such a damaged woman
and she self-medicates rather than deal with her past and her present, her choices
and the ones visited upon her. These are choices each of us make every day. She is
such a cautionary character.”
This production of August: Osage County marks Dr. Aaron Scully’s directorial debut
for the UCM Theatre and Dance mainstage season. Scully has always wanted to direct
this play and “feels blessed” to have the opportunity.
In talking about his job as director, Scully noted, “It is one of my favorite plays.
It is so well-written that it has been incredibly exciting to delve deep into the
text and bring this funny, emotional and gut-wrenching masterpiece to life. Dr. Mollenkamp,
the rest of the cast, and the crew have been all-in from day one and I think that
speaks to the strength of the text. Everyone working on the show has put their heart
and soul into this production and I can’t thank them enough. This show is not to
be missed. It will be a sight to see.”
The cast of August: Osage County includes Julie Rae Mollenkamp as Violet Weston; Lexi
Poindexter as Barbara Fordham; Nathan Endreshak as Bill Fordham; Iliana Miller as
Jean Fordham; Tony Smith as Charlie Aiken; Alyssa Haverly as Mattie Fae Aiken; Tristan
Jordan as Little Charles; Emily Layt as Ivy Weston; Melanie Grantham as Karen Weston;
Ethan Yazell as Steve Heidebrecht; Allyson Fields as Johnna; Travis Hampton as Sheriff
Deon Gilbeaux; and Jordan Malone as Beverly Weston.
This production includes original music composed and performed by Jack McClain.
The crew includes Assistant Directors Alley Pettey and Kayla Gross; Stage Manager
Kayla Helms; Assistant Stage Managers/Dramaturgs Ashlyn Reece and Julia Wolz; Scenic
Designer/Technical Director Ken George; Lighting/Sound Designer Ben Gonzales; Costume
Designer Demetrius Hampton; Makeup and Hair Designer/Costume Designer Mentor Kayla
Jestila; Props Master Kyle Yorg; Assistant Technical Director Cody Nelson; Assistant
Scenic Designer Ethan Shaffer; Assistant Costume Designer Jaggard Williams; Assistant
Lighting Designer Seth Sneary; Assistant Sound Designer Lili Garcia; House Manager
Chasen Brown; Assistant House Manager Derek Caswell; Assistant Props Master Sarah
Miller; Wardrobe Crew Head Maryn Edwards; Wardrobe Crew Ryann Hill, Charlotte Sipple;
Box Office Manager Blake Legens; Assistant Box Office Manager Madeline Hamrin; Assistant
Publicity Director Tony Smith; Publicity Team Erin Clavin, Emily Layt, Elizabeth Henks,
Decoda Hoover, McKenzie Koppe, Demetrius Hampton, Iliana Miller and Ethan Yazell.
This production of August: Osage County is for mature audiences only due to suggestive
dialogue, coarse language and mature themes.
Tickets are $7 for students, $12 for UCM faculty/staff and $15 for the general public.
They can be purchased online at, by calling 660-543-8811,
or at the Box Office at the Highlander Theater between 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. beginning
on Wednesday, Feb. 13.