By Janice Phelan,
June 15, 2020

Individuals interested in launching new high-demand careers are invited to learn about
training and scholarship opportunities at a June 30 Professional Training and Education
Open House. The monthly open houses recently converted to virtual events and are hosted
by the University of Central Missouri in cooperation with the Full Employment Council
(FEC). The free events are held from 5 to 7 p.m. on the last Tuesday of each month.
To join the virtual open house, use this link. The meeting ID is 943 3191 2200. After logging into the Zoom meeting, participants
will enter a virtual waiting room with the moderator contacting attendees when it
is time for their one-on-one session with the UCM representative.
The monthly events are open to adults from counties served by the FEC including Jackson,
Cass, Clay, Platte and Ray. The open houses also include information about UCM admissions,
advisement, financial aid and KC Degrees.
RSVP for an Open House