By Janice Phelan,
June 23, 2021

Providing a welcoming gathering place for students as well as a variety of university
services is at the heart of the UCM Lee’s Summit Learning Commons. Located on the second floor of the Missouri Innovation Campus,
the popular student area features tables and chairs designed for individual study
and group work as well as a wall of windows and outdoor seating on the balcony.
“We work on making this area feel like a nice, inclusive environment for the students,”
said Laura Emery, UCM program assistant. “It gives everyone a common place to gather
so you feel more like you have a home university.”
Emery staffs the commons, along with several student workers, during the MIC’s open
hours -- 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday and 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday during
the summer.
Student services offered through the MIC Learning Commons, located in B208, include:
- Writing and reading assistance
- One-day laptop checkout
- Tutoring on a general basis and help with homework (by appointment via the Penji app)
- Study skills assistance and test prep (by appointment via the Penji app)
- Spaces for group project work
- UCM Book Store buyback and rental returns (during Book Buyback Week)
- Two small study rooms available for three-hour blocks
- A UCM Central cash machine and pay-to-print printer accepting Central cash or debit/credit
Semester bus passes for the shuttle bus that transports students several times each day to and from both campuses (semester
passes as well as pay-per-ride, purchased with Central Cash, are loaded directly onto
a student’s ID).
A place for students to pick up books, apparel and other items purchased through the
Warrensburg Bookstore.
“We try to replicate as many services as possible that the Warrensburg campus has,”
she shared. “For those we don’t have, we work to provide a seamless transition to
the Warrensburg services.”
When the Lee’s Summit Learning Commons does not offer the services students request,
Emery works with them to find the appropriate university contacts and helpful information.
During her nearly three years as the Commons program assistant, Emery said she has
seen the Commons and its services used by hundreds of students, including traditional,
non-traditional and international.
Services provided through the Commons are also helpful to students based in the Lee’s
Summit area, whether they attend classes at the main campus in Warrensburg or at the
MIC in Lee’s Summit. “It saves them the drive to get the same services they would
have in Warrensburg,” Emery added.
For more information about the Learning Commons, stop by Emery’s office at B208 or
contact her at 660-543-6628 or