By Jeff Murphy,
August 26, 2021

Professional Clothing Studio Coordinator Robin Terrell will assist students who visit
the studio during its Fall 2021 Open House 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 14 in Ward Edwards
2200. This is one of many special events planned by UCM's Career Services Center
this fall.
The University of Central Missouri Career Services Center has scheduled a busy fall semester of activities designed to help students be better
prepared to hit the job market. At least 11 different student-centered events are
planned for September, October, and November, including in-person and virtual opportunities.
The series kicks off Sunday-Friday, Sept. 12-17 with the Fall 2021 Suit-Up event
in collaboration with JC Penney. UCM students have an opportunity to receive discounts
on professional attire that they can use in interviews with employers and meet other
career needs. This a virtual program. Students should go to the event website to learn more. Also text MULES1871 to 67292 to obtain a coupon for the event.
From 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 13, students can visit Walk-in Studio Experience
(WISE) pop-up stations across the Warrensburg campus and at the Missouri Innovation
Campus (MIC) in Lee’s Summit for document reviews job/internship search assistance,
and more. Employers will be available at all locations (except Career Services Center)
for advice. These stations will be located on the Warrensburg campus at Career Services
Center, Ward Edwards 1200; the Learning Commons, James C. Kirkpatrick Library, Room
1250; Multicultural and Inclusivity Center, Elliott Student Union 302; Military and
Veterans Success Center, Union 117; and in Lee’s Summit at MIC, Room 206.
During Snacks and Strategies: Get Ready with a Professional, students are invited
to stop by Ward Edwards 1200 from 10 a.m. to noon, Tuesday, Sept. 14, for free snacks,
while supplies last, and an informal chat with employers, alumni, career, or graduate
school professionals to help get their career-related questions answered.
Teaching students how the put their best foot forward when meeting with a potential
employer, Interview Coaching with a Professional is planned for 1-4 p.m. Tuesday,
Sept. 14. Ward Edwards 1200 will serve as the check-in location, and many potential
employers will attend this event. Students can visit the Handshake website to learn
more about the program that will show them how to connect with a professional who
can help them improve their job interview skills. It is an opportunity for students
to ask questions and learn about best practices for interviewing. Professional dress
is strongly encouraged.
Looking for professional attire on a tight budget? The Professional Clothing Studio
Fall Open House is planned for 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 15, at Ward Edwards
2200. Open to all current UCM students, the Professional Clothing Studio provides
students opportunities to select professional and business casual clothing free of
An opportunity to learn more about two important online resources, the Handshake/LinkedIn
Walk-In Workshop is slated for 1 to 4 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 16, in Ward Edwards 1200.
Students will learn best practices for elevating their Handshake and LinkedIn profiles.
While taking advantage of this opportunity, students are invited to try out Headshot
Central to help them obtain a fresh, professional portrait that they can use in their
online professional profiles.
Also on Sept. 16, Dine Like a Pro - Virtual Etiquette Training is offered from 4 to
5 p.m. This virtual program via Zoom is an opportunity for students to gain a few
tips to help reduce the stress of sharing a formal meal with a potential employer
or simply to satisfy their curiosity related to proper formal dining etiquette.
The UCM Fall 2021 Construction, Drafting, Engineering, and Safety Fair from 1 to 4
p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 22, in the Elliott Union Ballroom is open to all students, regardless
of class status. Underclassmen will find this event beneficial as it provides an outlook
on the job market as well as an opportunity to network. Juniors and seniors can inquire
about full-time positions or internships.
Students from all majors are encouraged to attend the virtual Fall 2021 Job and Internship
Fair from 1-4 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 6. This is an ideal time for students to meet professionals
in their field, graduate and professional schools, and explore a multitude of career
opportunities. Students will register for specific sessions provided by employers,
once the employer has made them available.
The Hire a Veteran Fair is scheduled for 1 to 3 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 9. Interested veterans
are encouraged to stop by Elliott Student Union Rooms 238-240 to learn more about
job opportunities from employers in attendance.
To learn more about any of these activities, contact Joni Porter, employer relations/event
coordinator for the Career Services Center, by calling 660-543-4379 or contact her
by email at