By Jeff Murphy,
July 6, 2022

WARRENSBURG, MO -- The Missouri Safety Center at the University of Central Missouri is pleased to announce its partnership with
the National Law Enforcement Roadway Safety Program (NLERSP) and the Kansas City Police Department to provide no-cost officer safety
training to law enforcement professionals at the Kansas City Police Department Regional
Police Academy during the months of July and August, 2022. The NLERSP training will
provide law enforcement executives, supervisors, trainers, and patrol officers with
evidence-based strategies and tactics to improve officer safety during traffic stops,
emergency response driving, all-weather driving, and roadway operations.
NLERSP courses are taught by current and former law enforcement officers, trainers,
and executives who specialize in patrol operations, emergency vehicle operations,
training development and delivery, personnel management, and policy development and
Motor vehicle collisions and struck-by incidents pose a serious risk to officer safety.
According to data collected by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund,
499 law enforcement officers died from roadway-related incidents from 2012 to 2021.
The National Law Enforcement Roadway Safety Program provides training, technical assistance,
and resources to local, state, and tribal law enforcement agencies with the goal of
reducing the number of officers injured or killed on the nation’s roadways. The NLERSP
was developed, and is currently managed, by the National Policing Institute and the
Institute for Intergovernmental Research, with funding provided by the U.S. Department
of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance. To learn more about the NLERSP, please
Agencies that would like to participate in this training, please contact Dr. Joanne
Kurt-Hilditch, senior director, Missouri Safety Center at 660-543-4213 or