By Jeff Murphy,
August 11, 2022
Phil Bridgmon, provost and vice president for academic affairs at the University of
Central Missouri, received a new state committee appointment.
WARRENSBURG, MO – Once many college and university students begin their higher education,
the pathway to earning a degree may take them to multiple campuses before they have
diploma in hand. Through a recent statewide appointment, Phil Bridgmon, provost and
vice president for academic affairs at the University of Central Missouri, is now
in a position to help impact the smooth transfer and articulation of Missouri students
who seek a higher education.
Bridgmon was recently appointed to the Missouri Department of Higher Education and
Workforce Development (MDHEWD) Committee on Transfer and Articulation (COTA). The appointment was made by MDHEWD Interim Commissioner Leroy Wade for a
term that takes place Aug. 15, 2022 through June 30, 2024.
“This appointment is a real honor,” Bridgmon said. “Creating beneficial transfer and
articulation approaches is vitally important to supporting our students and fostering
the credential and degree completion goals that have been set for Missouri. At UCM,
we are focused on this area and look forward to the collaboration that occurs with
our colleagues from across Missouri.”
The COTA serves the Missouri Coordinating Board for Higher Education and has primary
responsibilities that include reviewing and making recommendations on transfer issues,
studying and developing transfer guidelines for traditional and non-traditional credits,
and reviewing and recommending resolutions on cases of appeal from institutions or
COTA is comprised of 12 members who are appointed by the Commissioner of Higher Education.
The committee includes four representatives from public two-year colleges and four
representatives from public four-year colleges and universities, one of which must
be from the University of Missouri and one which must be from the other public four-year
institutions. It also includes one representative from independent two-year colleges
or proprietary institutions, two representatives from independent four-year colleges
and universities and one at-large position. Additionally, the commissioner or a designated
representative sits as an ex-officio voting member of the committee.
An experienced and collaborative leader, Bridgmon is a Professor of Political Science
and began his service as provost at UCM in July 2019. His professional career includes
prior appointments as graduate program coordinator, department chair, dean, and an
associate and interim vice president for academic affairs.