By Jeff Murphy,
September 26, 2022

WARRENSBURG, MO – Continuing to provide interesting and engaging displays of art by
faculty, students and individuals across the nation, the University of Central Missouri
Gallery of Art and Design announces three shows that are running concurrently Sept.
26-Oct 27. These offerings are the 2022 Faculty Show, Faculty Portrait Show, and the
international show Saccharine and Cyanide by Siobhan Gallagher and Rosa Kusabbi. These
exhibits are all free and open to the public in the gallery located at 217 E. Clark
St., Warrensburg.
The Faculty Show is an annual event that features the works of UCM Art and Design
faculty members. Gallery visitors will have an opportunity to view an array of creative
works and art media all made possible by faculty members who teach and mentor university
Many of these UCM educators will be the subjects of art highlighted in the Faculty
Portrait Show. Their portraits will be on display as illustrations by current Art
and Design students and alumni. Works by the following artists are included: Casey
Bobb, Xavier Banks, Britain Bray, Daniele Bush, Cydney Cherepak, Stephen Dallas, Alexis
Dyser, John Hanscum III, Alicia Hoerman, Lena Humble, Bradley Jenkins, Amy Kenney,
Lilliano Lozano, Hanna Luechtefeld and Katie Watson. A reception for this show and
the Faculty Show are planned together from 3 to 5 p.m. Oct 11 in the UCM Gallery of
Art and Design.
Saccharine and Cyanide highlights the works of two successful international femme
illustrators who mix hyper feminine aesthetics with unconventional and darker subject
matters. Siobhan Gallagher is an award-winning book designer and illustrator who resides
in New York City, and has created illustrations and graphic designs that have been
featured in publications such as Bustle, US Weekly, and Huffington Post. She is a recipient of the Society of Illustrators’ Silver Medal of Excellence.
Rosa Kusabbi is an illustrator, printmaker and animator who is based in Liverpool.
Her works often focus on female empowerment and social issues such as criminal justice.
The gallery is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays, except for Thursday when hours are
8 a.m. to 8 p.m. It is also open on Saturdays from noon to 4 p.m., and all events
are open to the public. The UCM Gallery of Art and Design is supported by the Missouri
Arts Council, Murdock Banner Financial Group, UCM Performing Arts Series, and Warrensburg
Chamber of Commerce.
To learn more, call the Gallery of Art and Design at 660-543-4498 or visit the gallery's