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Central Summer Academy

Accelerate Your College Experience – Start College Early!


Central Summer Academy Dates:

The Central Summer Academy Program is on hold until further notice.


The Central Summer Academy is designed for incoming UCM students who can start college early by taking foundational courses and living on campus.

Participants of the Central Summer Academy will:

  • Complete college credit designed to help you acclimate to the rigors of college-level courses.
  • Take general education requirement and introductory-level courses for up to 7 hours of college credit
  • Live on campus and get involved with student activities designed to help you explore UCM and the Warrensburg community
  • Make friends and find your place at UCM
  • Develop valuable study skills and get to know UCM faculty members

The Central Summer Academy is free. However, spots are limited.


 Central Summer Academy


Haven't been admitted to UCM yet? Click here



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Is the Central Summer Academy TRULY free?

Because it is sponsored by a generous grant from the U.S. Department of Education, the Central Summer Academy is free for students 

Central Summer Academy saves you money to help jump-start your education. Don't miss this opportunity!  Spots are extremely limited.

Can I stay home and drive in?

All Central Summer Academy participants will live on campus for the duration of the program to have the full college experience.

Which classes will I take?

 Students will be enrolled in the following courses:

  • MATH 1000 - Prep for MATH 1110/1111 (1 cr.)
  • MATH 1010 - Fundamentals of Algebra (3 cr.)


  • COMM 1000- Public Speaking (3 cr.)


  • CFD 1450 - Valuing Differences (1 cr.)

Students will earn up to five credit hours of college credit. You will be ahead of many of your peers when fall starts.

What happens when the Summer Academy is over?

Students will return home and enjoy the rest of their summer until Kickoff events later in August. During that time, all Central Summer Academy participants will have a reunion to celebrate.


How do I get in?

Students are selected based upon their eligibility and need for the Central Summer Academy. Spots are limited. Early application is encouraged.

How do I know if I am eligible?

We can help you figure this out, but

If you plan to be the first in your family to earn a bachelor’s degree,
- OR - you are eligible to receive the Pell Grant, 
- OR -  your race or ethnicity is historically underrepresented at colleges and universities

- AND - your ACT placement scores require you to take Co-Requisite Math or English, you are eligible.

What are the living arrangements like?

The Central Summer Academy is designed to be a full college experience. You will have a suitemate, share a restroom, have a twin bed, a desk, and clothes storage areas. Rooms are climate controlled and have cable/internet access. Participants are encouraged to pack only essentials for the duration of the program.

What will we do when we aren't in class?

The Central Summer Academy will feature a variety of activities that will give students a robust college experience. There will be plenty to keep you busy, introduce you to other students and staff at the university, and make you feel like you belong at Central.

Will all students be living together?

Summer residence halls will be coed.  If you have specific needs or questions regarding living arrangements, please contact University Housing at 660-543-4515.

Can I go home on the weekend?

Students are expected to participate in all Central Summer Academy activities, which may include some scheduled weekend activities. At least one weekend will be free for students to visit home, rest, or study independently.  

Have a question we didn't answer?  Email us at


Tiana Key
Assistant Director First Year Experience
James C. Kirkpatrick Library, Suite 1450
Tel: 660-543-4545



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