Availability of Faculty Who Teach Classes (Office Hours)
Date of Current Revision: November 2017
Primary Responsible Officer: Provost or designee
Availability of Faculty Who Teach Classes (Office Hours)
All faculty who teach classes must be accessible to students each week of a semester during designated, posted times. All faculty must be available to students for at least 1.25 hour per week for each class taught, with at least five required hours. Individual Departments may implement more stringent requirements. Faculty have the option to meet with students in person or electronically during the posted times; Faculty who teach face to face shall maintain physical office hours. The faculty member’s availability must be included in the syllabus, regardless of the mode of delivery of the class or the method of distribution of the syllabus. Faculty are strongly encouraged to be accessible through multiple means and respond to all student inquiries in a timely manner as clearly defined in the syllabus.
Revision History:
Established and archived prior to 1999
Updated IIF.2. Office Hours and renamed to Availability of Faculty Who Teach Classes per Faculty Senate Motion 2014-15_17 on October 2015.
Previously annotated as II.F.1. Course Syllabi, II.F.2. Office Hours, II.F.8. Class Attendance, II.F.3. Classroom Control. Edited for web links, formatting and plain language. Approved December 2015.
Availability of Faculty who Teach Classes - Faculty Senate requested a correction to minutes, 1.5 hours changed to 1.25, February 2016.
Previously annotated as II.F.1. Availability of Faculty. Renamed Availability of Faculty for alphabetical listing, grammar and spell check, and transitioned into policy library April 2017
Revised per recommendations of the Faculty Senate, Academic Council and approved by the provost. Revisions include individual departments may implement more stringent requirements. Faculty who teach face to face shall maintain physical office hours. The faculty member’s availability must be included in the syllabus, regardless of the mode of delivery of the class or the method of distribution of the syllabus. Faculty are strongly encouraged to be accessible through multiple means and respond to all student inquiries in a timely manner as clearly defined in the syllabus. November 2017.