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Leaves and Absences

Date of Current Revision:  December 2015

Primary Responsible Officer: Provost or designee


Leaves and Absences

The absence of a faculty member from campus is a departmental/college matter and is to be discussed with the chair in advance unless the absence is caused by an emergency. Except for announced holidays and spring breaks, all class days, examination days, and other professional days (such as Plan Days) are considered as professional duty days for all faculty members and staff following the academic calendar. Other assignments, such as commencement, may on occasion be designated as professional duty days. When the absence affects a professional duty day, the faculty member requests the absence by using the appropriate university method. Requests generally are reviewed and approved by the department chair or immediate supervisor. Approval for use of specific funds not under departmental jurisdiction requires approval of the grant office or other responsible university officer. The appropriate university method for reporting an absence is through the Banner self-service time sheet which is accessed using the appropriate sign in passwords.

1. Professional Service.

Absence for off-campus services or activities related to the faculty member's professional position may be granted. The staff member is responsible for planning class activities and notifying classes in advance; arrangements are to be explained to the students.

2. University Business.

When the staff absence is for the purpose of conducting university business, class arrangements are made in the same way that they are made for professional service.

3. Sick Leave.

The purpose of the “Sick-Leave Policy” is to protect covered employees of the University of Central Missouri from loss of pay due to illness or injury as described herein, which may render an employee incapable of performing the duties of the position. This policy provides employees with a means, other than vacation leave, to take leave to care for family members who require the employee’s personal care for medical reasons. For additional Information see Sick Leave Policy Board of Governors Policy 2.1.020, UCM Procedures and Guidelines Sick Leave Procedures, and Human Resources Family & Medical Leave Act(Available leave balances can be found on Banner Employee Self-Service on the UCM website.)

4. Personal Leave.

Personal leave is provided for personal reasons that would not fall under the sick-leave or vacation-leave policies. For additional Information see UCM Procedures and Guidelines Personal Leave Procedures.


Revision History:

Established and archived prior to 1999

Editorial revisions 2005.

Edited for web links, formatting and plain language. Approved December 2015

Previously annotated as III.O. Leaves and Absences. Renamed Joint Accelerated Degree Programs for alphabetical listing, grammar and spell check, and transitioned into policy library April 2017


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