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University of Central Missouri Policy

Policy Name:   

Teacher/Professional Education Governance

Date Approved


Policy Category

Academic Policy

Date Effective


Policy Number:  


Date Last Revised

January 2025

Approval Authority


Review Cycle:

Every five years


Dean of Education



The Unit Head is the individual officially designated to provide leadership for the unit, with the authority and responsibility for its overall administration and operation. At the University of Central Missouri, that individual is the Dean of the College of Education.

The Professional Education Faculty (PEF) shall be the representative body of the Educator Preparation Program (EPP) for the entire University. The role of the PEF shall be to review, support and implement the conceptual framework of the EPP at the University of Central Missouri.

Membership in PEF shall include those individuals employed full time by UCM, who teach one or more courses in education pedagogy, supervise clinical experiences, or administer some portion of the unit. Voting members shall be full-time faculty and professional staff who are members of the PEF. Department chairs assist in the identification of members of the PEF using the qualifications above. Voting membership in the PEF is required for all persons who serve on the Teacher Education Council.

The Teacher Education Council (TEC) is the Executive Board of the PEF and serves in an advisory capacity to review and recommend on policy, programs, curricular, and programmatic assessment matters related to the EPP. The TEC serves the PEF and is representative of the PEF. The TEC reports to the Dean of the College of Education in his/her capacity as the University's official Unit Head.

*It is not the general practice to list the governance structure of individual units in the Academic Policy and Procedure. However, educator preparation impacts upon each of the academic units, and faculty throughout the campus are affected by the educator preporation governance structure. Thus, the materials are included herein.


Revision History:

Established and archived prior to 1999

Updated May 2012

Edited for web links, formatting and plain language. Approved December 2015.

TEC hyperlink to committee membership and charge updated May 2016.

Updated to remove hyperlink to outdated URL October 2016.

Previously annotated as II.I. Teacher/Professional Education Governance. Renamed Teacher/Professional Education Governance for alphabetical listing, grammar and spell check, and transitioned into policy library April 2017

Updated in January 2025.  The Teacher Educator Program was changed to Educator Preparation Program to reflect nationally used terms.  Membership section was updated to clarify the program was for full-time employees and current practices.


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