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Tylee Parsons Senior Recital


USAF Heartland of America Band


Symphony Orchestra Concert

Society of American Military Engineers Greater Kansas City Post, Office of Military and Veteran Services, University News, Warrior in Transition Forum, military veterans

Veterans Advice-Insight into Career Change During Warrior in Transition Forum

Military veterans who transitioned into the civilian job market will be among those sharing advice for other service members who want to make a similar career change during the Warrior in Transition Forum. This free event takes place from 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday, March 8, at the University of Central Missouri.

February 11, 2016
Warrensburg R-VI School District, University News, Innovation Track

UCM, Warrensburg R-VI School District Partners in New Innovation Track

In a ceremony at Warrensburg High School today, University of Central Missouri and Warrensburg R-VI School District leaders announced a new partnership to provide students a guided path – the Innovation Track – to a high school diploma and the potential to complete a four-year college degree within three years after their high school graduation.

February 09, 2016
tour, University News, Whiteman Air Force Base, Office of Military and Veteran Services

Faculty and Staff Tour of Whiteman Announced, Register by Feb. 25

An opportunity is available for University of Central Missouri faculty and staff members who would like to tour Whiteman Air Force Base Friday, March 25, through a special program conducted between Whiteman leadership and the UCM Office of Military and Veteran Services.

February 08, 2016
Military and Veteran Success Center, Operation Find Your Patriot, University News

Operation Find Your Patriot Coming to UCM Feb. 20

Have you ver wonder what your ancestors were doing during the American Revolution? A local group wants to help active duty military and veteran families find out through a free one-day workshop hosted by the University of Central Missouri Office of Military and Veteran Services.

February 05, 2016
Ireland, Debate Tour, Montgomery Cup, Scotland, University News

Team Selected for the 2016 Montgomery Cup Debate Tour

Five University of Central Missouri students have been selected to travel to Ireland and Scotland on the 2016 Montgomery Cup Exhibition Debate Tour.

February 04, 2016
Mohandas “Mahatma” Gandhi, University News, Arun Gandhi, Unity Week

Arun Gandhi to be Featured Speaker for UCM's Unity Week

Arun Gandhi, the grandson of Mohandas “Mahatma” Gandhi, the historic leader of the independence movement in British-ruled India, will speak at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 17, in Hendricks Hall at the University of Central Missouri.

February 02, 2016
Department of Music, Carnegie Hall, Wind Ensemble, Concert Choir, University News

UCM Student Vocal, Wind Ensembles to Perform at New York's Carnegie Hall

Student musicians with the Wind Ensemble and Concert Choir in the Department of Music at the University of Central Missouri will perform in concert at New York City’s famed Carnegie Hall at 8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 13.

February 01, 2016
Athletic Director, University News, Missouri Sports Legend Award, Jerry Hughes

Gathering Honors Hughes, Celebrates His Enshrinement as Missouri Sports Legend

Before Athletic Director Jerry Hughes was honored as recipient of the Missouri Sports Legend Award by the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame Sunday, Jan. 31, a number of alumni, athletic staff, and other members of the University of Central Missouri community took time to congratulate him during a gathering at SPIN! Neapolitan Pizza Saturday evening. University of Central Missouri President Charles Ambrose and his wife, Kris, hosted the event at The Crossing – South at Holden, immediately after Mules and Jennies victories at the Multipurpose Building.

February 01, 2016
assistant vice provost for enrollment management, University News, student success, Karen D. Goos

MCC-Longview Administrator Fills Assistant VP Post in Enrollment Management

Filling a position that will contribute to student success at the University of Central Missouri, an administrator at Metropolitan Community College (MCC) - Longview, Karen D. Goos, Ed.D., becomes UCM’s new assistant vice provost for enrollment management, effective April 1.

January 29, 2016
Award winners
Kennedy Center American College Region V Theatre Festival, University News, Department of Theatre and Dance

UCM Theatre Students Claim Multiple Awards at Kennedy Center Region V Festival

The University of Central Missouri Department of Theatre and Dance received several honors at the Kennedy Center American College Region V Theatre Festival in Jan. 17-23 Minneapolis.

January 27, 2016


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