The University of Central Missouri continues to maintain its effort to provide for a safe and healthy campus for students, employees and visitors alike. UCM is committed to providing our students with the best possible experience while also safeguarding their well-being against the backdrop of the global pandemic.
Effective Wednesday, March 16, face coverings are optional on University of Central Missouri campuses in Warrensburg and Lee’s Summit with limited exceptions. Exceptions include the University Health Center (UHC), where masks remain universally required, select class/lab settings in areas such as health and science where masks were required pre-pandemic, and any other areas designated as needing to comply with federal or state regulations. UCM classes and activities not on campus will comply with local guidelines.
This change follows 14 consecutive days with no reported cases of COVID-19 among UCM students, faculty and staff, and the downgrade of Johnson and Jackson Counties in Missouri from the high risk of transmission category by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Individuals may continue to wear face coverings and medical masks at their discretion and are not and should not be discouraged from doing so.
Medical professionals continue to maintain that the most effective form of protection from COVID-19 is vaccination. The UHC serves as a vaccination site for UCM students who desire to become vaccinated, and faculty and staff should consult their own medical providers for guidance on the vaccine.
The university continues to monitor the pandemic environment and will adjust protocols should conditions warrant. We appreciate the long-standing adherence to the university’s COVID-19 protocols by students, faculty and staff in keeping UCM Mule Strong.
The Lee’s Summit R-7 School District, which includes the Missouri Innovation Campus (MIC), last night announced that its indoor mask requirement expired, effective Feb. 24, although it continues to recommend masks/face coverings be worn in district facilities. Remaining consistent with the COVID-19 protocol on the Warrensburg campus, UCM is requiring that face coverings continue to be worn in UCM classes at the MIC. Masks are also required in UCM healthcare facilities.
Although not required, face coverings are still encouraged in other indoor environments at UCM-Lee’s Summit and on the main campus in Warrensburg particularly when physical distancing is not possible. Faculty, staff and students may elect to wear face coverings in areas where they are not required and should not be discouraged from doing so.
As noted previously, medical professionals indicate that the most effective form of protection against COVID-19 is vaccination. The University Health Center serves as a vaccination site for students. Faculty and staff who have questions about the vaccine should consult their medical providers.
The pandemic has created a fluid health environment, and the university may adjust these protocols if deemed necessary. We appreciate your continued efforts to help UCM promote a safe and healthy environment while the pandemic persists.
The University of Central Missouri is modifying its mask/face coverings requirements on the Warrensburg campus. Beginning today (Friday, Feb.11) at 5:00 p.m., face coverings will be required to be worn only in classrooms on the main campus. Although not required, face coverings are encouraged in other indoor environments, particularly when physical distancing is not possible. Faculty, staff and students may elect to wear face coverings in areas where they are not required and should not be discouraged from doing so.
This change does not apply to UCM-Lee’s Summit. Masks/face coverings must still be worn inside the Missouri Innovation Campus to maintain consistency with requirements established by the Lee’s Summit R-7 School District.
As noted previously, medical professionals indicate that the most effective form of protection against COVID-19 is vaccination. The University Health Center serves as a vaccination site for students. Faculty and staff who have questions about the vaccine should consult their medical providers.
As has been evident over the previous 24 months, the pandemic has created a fluid health environment, and the university may adjust these protocols if deemed necessary. Thank you for your continued efforts to help UCM promote a safe and healthy environment while the pandemic persists.
To help mitigate the impact of COVID-19, we are extending the indoor mask/face coverings requirement on the University of Central Missouri campuses in Warrensburg and in Lee’s Summit. This applies to all students, employees and campus visitors with the exceptions noted below.
Everyone’s vigilance is still required in the fight against all COVID variants. We strongly encourage you to wear N95 (or equivalent) masks as recommended by health care professionals or consider multi-layered masks. Face coverings will continue to be required indoors, in all university buildings, regardless of vaccination status. This includes the UCM Childcare Center for ages 2 and up. Exceptions include events and activities at the UCM Multipurpose Building, where face coverings are still strongly recommended, as well as when individuals are actively eating and drinking, in residence hall rooms and apartments, and in private offices when no visitors are present.
The cooperation of all campus members is greatly appreciated to help promote a healthy campus community. While masks /face coverings contribute to our mitigation efforts, health experts remind us that the best way to protect ourselves is to be fully vaccinated. Please visit for vaccination resources and information.
We appreciate your ongoing patience as we all work together to remain #MuleStrong through our proactive COVID-19 measures. We continue to monitor the environment and will provide another update no later than Friday, Feb. 11, 2022.
To help mitigate the impact of COVID-19, we are extending the indoor mask/face coverings requirement on the University of Central Missouri campuses in Warrensburg and in Lee’s Summit. This applies to all students, employees and campus visitors with the exceptions noted below.
Everyone’s vigilance is still required in the fight against all COVID variants. We strongly encourage you to wear N95 (or equivalent) masks as recommended by health care professionals or consider multi-layered masks. Face coverings will continue to be required indoors, in all university buildings, regardless of vaccination status. This includes the UCM Childcare Center for ages 2 and up. Exceptions include events and activities at the UCM Multipurpose Building, where face coverings are still strongly recommended, as well as when individuals are actively eating and drinking, in residence hall rooms and apartments, and in private offices when no visitors are present.
The cooperation of all campus members is greatly appreciated to help promote a healthy campus community. While masks /face coverings contribute to our mitigation efforts, health experts remind us that the best way to protect ourselves is to be fully vaccinated. Please visit for vaccination resources and information.
We appreciate your ongoing patience as we all work together to remain #MuleStrong through our proactive COVID-19 measures. We continue to monitor the environment and will provide another update no later than Tuesday, February 1, 2022.
To help mitigate the impact of COVID-19, we are extending the indoors mask/face coverings requirement on the University of Central Missouri campuses in Warrensburg and in Lee’s Summit. This applies to all students, employees and campus visitors with the exceptions noted below.
Face coverings will continue to be required indoors, in all university buildings, regardless of vaccination status. This includes the UCM Childcare Center for ages 2 and up. Exceptions include events and activities at the UCM Multipurpose Building, where face coverings are still strongly recommended, as well as when individuals are actively eating and drinking, in residence hall rooms and apartments, and in private offices when no visitors are present.
The cooperation of all campus members is greatly appreciated to help promote a healthy campus community. While masks /face coverings contribute to our mitigation efforts, health experts remind us that the best way to protect ourselves is to be fully vaccinated. Please visit for vaccination resources and information.
We appreciate your ongoing patience as we all work together to remain #MuleStrong through our proactive COVID-19 measures. We continue to monitor the environment and will provide another update no later than Jan. 7, 2022.
To help mitigate the impact of COVID-19, we are extending the indoors mask/face coverings requirement on the University of Central Missouri campuses in Warrensburg and in Lee’s Summit. This applies to all students, employees and campus visitors with the exceptions noted below.
Face coverings will continue to be required indoors, in all university buildings, regardless of vaccination status. This includes the UCM Childcare Center for ages 2 and up. Exceptions include events and activities at the UCM Multipurpose Building, where face coverings are still strongly recommended, as well as when individuals are actively eating and drinking, in residence hall rooms and apartments, and in private offices when no visitors are present.
The cooperation of all campus members is greatly appreciated to help promote a healthy campus community. While masks /face coverings contribute to our mitigation efforts, health experts remind us that the best way to protect ourselves is to be fully vaccinated. Please visit for vaccination resources and information.
We appreciate your ongoing patience as we all work together to remain #MuleStrong through our proactive COVID-19 measures. We continue to monitor the environment and will provide another update no later than December 15.
Due to a rise in active COVID-19 cases in Johnson County and among our student population, we are extending the current face coverings/masks requirement at the University of Central Missouri. Face coverings will continue to be required indoors, in all university buildings, regardless of vaccination status. We will continue to monitor the environment on an on-going basis to determine if modifications are warranted, and will provide another communication about these protocols no later than Monday, Nov. 29.
As we continue to mitigate COVID-19, it is important that we work together to promote a safe and healthy campus environment and be diligent in our efforts to prevent its spread. With medical experts continuing to state that vaccination is the most effective way to reduce risks associated with COVID-19, we strongly encourage all campus community members to get vaccinated. Visit for vaccination resources and information about our COVID-19 protocols.
We are thankful for the efforts of faculty, staff and students who continue to take actions to promote and maintain a healthy campus environment. We appreciate your continued cooperation to help keep our community #MuleStrong.
In keeping with our goal of continuing to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, we are extending the face coverings/masks requirement, and will review and provide a public update regarding this extension no later than Monday, Nov. 1. Face coverings will continue to be required indoors, in all university buildings, regardless of vaccination status. This includes the UCM Childcare Center for ages 2 and up. Exceptions include when actively eating and drinking, in residence hall rooms and apartments, and in private offices when no visitors are present.
The number of known active cases of COVID-19 among students and employees has remained relatively low over the last few weeks, the risk of community transmission in Johnson County, Missouri is now reported as “substantial” instead of “high”, and hospitalizations in the county have begun to drop. The efforts our faculty, staff and students are taking to get vaccinated for COVID-19, wear face coverings, and engage in other health-conscious measures are having a positive impact. These positive trends are encouraging, and we will continue to monitor them closely over the next two weeks.
Vaccination is believed by medical experts to be the most effective way to reduce the risk associated with COVID-19, and all campus members who have not already done so are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated. We appreciate your continued efforts to help the campus community prevent the spread of coronavirus. To learn more, including how to find vaccination resources, click on the COVID-19 link on the UCM website home page.
On Aug. 9, the University of Central Missouri initiated a face coverings requirement in response to revised Centers for Disease Control guidance with an intent to review this requirement no later than Sept. 16. As a result of compliance with university protocols, proactiveness in being vaccinated, and faculty, staff and students engaging in other actions that promote well-being, the university has been able to maintain otherwise normal operations during the fall.
Given the current environment, on-going national guidance, and a desire to continue mitigation efforts, President Roger Best today announced that the face coverings requirement in its current form will be extended. The university will review this requirement and provide another update no later than Oct. 14.
Face coverings will continue to be required indoors, in all university buildings, regardless of vaccination status. This includes the UCM Childcare Center for ages 2 and up. Exceptions include when actively eating and drinking, in residence hall rooms and apartments, and in private offices when no visitors are present.
Medical experts believe the most effective way to reduce the risk associated with COVID-19 is to become fully vaccinated. UCM community members are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated and take other measures to stay healthy. We appreciate your continued efforts to help the campus community prevent the spread of COVID-19 and the Delta variant. Students and employees can learn more, including how to find vaccination resources, by clicking the COVID-19 link on the UCM website home page.
The University of Central Missouri successfully completed fall 2020 and spring 2021 without closures or the need to return to remote learning thanks to the strong efforts of students, faculty and staff. Our ability to pull together to achieve a common goal made the difference. In May, when it appeared the nation was moving back towards the pre-COVID-19 environment and with the wide availability of an effective vaccine, the university lifted its face coverings requirement for vaccinated individuals.
Over the last few weeks, however, there has been a proliferation of the Delta variant, and this variant now accounts for about 98% of the known COVID cases in Missouri. Missouri's Department of Health and Senior Services indicates spread would be lessened by increased vaccination; currently, Missouri is among the lowest in the country in COVID vaccination rates. In light of this, university leadership, through consultation with medical personnel and other experts, has been evaluating the potential impact on the fall semester, and is temporarily revising university guidance on the use of face coverings.
Currently, face coverings are required in the University (Student) Health Center, Welch-Schmidt Center for Communication Disorders, Counseling Center and Central Missouri Clinic regardless of vaccination status. In addition,
Effective August 9
Regardless of vaccination status, face coverings will be required in the following instances and locations:
Exceptions include when actively eating and drinking, in residence hall rooms and apartments, and in private offices when no visitors are present.
Beginning August 16
Face coverings will be required indoors, in all university buildings, regardless of vaccination status. This includes the UCM Childcare Center for ages 2 and up. Exceptions include when actively eating and drinking, in residence hall rooms and apartments, and in private offices when no visitors are present.
The university will re-evaluate the guidance provided in this statement no later than September 16. As medical experts have expressed, the most effective way to reduce the spread of and risks associated with COVID-19 is to become fully vaccinated. As such, all UCM community members are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated and take other measures to stay healthy. Students and employees can find vaccination resources by clicking the COVID-19 link on the UCM website home page or going directly to COVID-19 Vaccination Opportunities.
Your continued support, cooperation and shared commitment to the well-being of yourself and others in this fluid environment is critical to ensuring a successful start to fall semester, and we appreciate your understanding the need for this modification.
In accordance with CDC guidance for healthcare facilities, both fully vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals must wear masks in the Health Center (UHC building 2nd floor), the Counseling Center (Humphreys 131), and the Central Missouri Clinic (UHC 1st floor). Although CDC guidance allows fully vaccinated individuals to not wear masks in most situations, the CDC emphasizes that this guidance does not apply in healthcare facilities. Thank you for your cooperation.
For more information:
Contact Amy Kiger at or call 660-543-4770
As we prepare for the first day of classes on Aug. 16, we want to keep you updated on efforts and current information related to the upcoming year at the University of Central Missouri.
After considering Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines and consulting with health experts, we plan to continue to not require masks/face coverings on campus for those individuals who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19.
Individuals who have not been fully vaccinated should follow CDC guidance, and those who desire to wear masks/face coverings may continue wearing them and are not discouraged from doing so. The CDC’s complete recommendations related to wearing face coverings can be found here.
Students are strongly encouraged to be fully vaccinated before returning to the university, keeping in mind it takes at least two weeks after the second dose in a two-dose vaccine and two weeks after a single-dose vaccine for the vaccine to be effective.
Vaccine is available for students at the University Health Center and may be obtained through local health agencies.
Students who wish to establish a COVID-19 immunization record can do so by taking the following steps:
Go to
Log in using your MyCentral username and password.
Click the "Immunization" tab.
Click on “COVID Vaccine.”
Enter the date(s) you received the vaccine.
Click “Submit.”
Click on the "Upload" tab at the top right side of the screen.
Follow the instructions to upload a copy of your COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card.
All residence hall rooms will return to double occupancy, however, we are allowing for a limited number of paid single occupancy rooms.
Freshmen and sophomores who live within 65 miles of campus can apply for an exemption from living in campus residence halls provided they will live with a parent, grandparent or legal guardian. Any student who believes they may be eligible for an exemption and wishes to obtain one can contact University Housing at 660-543-4515, or
First-year students who sign up for UCM Kickoff will be required to sign up for a move-in time, and will move in Thursday, Aug. 12, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. All other first-year students and upper-class students will move into residence halls on Sunday, Aug.16, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and will receive direct communication about move-in. Those living in apartments will receive a direct communication regarding move-in, which will begin Aug. 12. Residence hall move-in information can be found at and apartment move-in information can be found at
University Housing will further communicate with residence hall students through UCM email in mid-July for sign-up instructions, and information will be posted on residence hall and apartment move-in pages.
If you have specific questions regarding move in, please contact University Housing at 660-543-4515 or at
There are many steps the University and Sodexo, UCM’s food services provider, are taking to support the dining experience.
Sodexo has company-wide protocols for food preparation and service.
While local regulations no longer require social distancing, UCM will offer a dining space that has socially distanced tables.
Carry-out service will be available.
Self-service options will be expanded.
Enhanced cleaning and sanitizing measures will continue.
Currently, it is anticipated that classrooms will at least be at 75% capacity with some seats available for social distancing.
The university will continue to flex and synchronous course types in addition to our regular face-to-face, online, and hybrid formats. Students desiring class in a specific delivery mode should visit with their academic advisor.
At this time, we do not anticipate social distancing to be in place for most events and activities for fall semester. Sponsors and organizers may provide to participants alternatives such as virtual options or reduced capacity, especially for events and activities that have required attendance.
CDC guidelines state that international students vaccinated outside of the United States should refer to Interim Clinical Considerations for Use of COVID-19 Vaccines Currently Authorized in the United States regarding the possible need for vaccinations upon arrival in the U.S.
At this time, UCM is not imposing additional restrictions on study abroad programs other than what is required by the host country. Please refer to CDC guidance as UCM continues to monitor this situation.
Students planning to study abroad should be aware that the university is following CDC guidance. It recommends that institutions planning study abroad programs check with CDC’s destination-specific Travel Health Notices for information about the COVID-19 situation in the destination or host country. Institutions of higher education should postpone programs in destinations with very high COVID-19 levels (Level 4 Travel Health Notice), and should have plans to take action if situations in the destination change and COVID-19 levels become very high during the program.
Free rapid testing for students is available at the University Health Center. Students who want to be tested may schedule their appointment now at under the "Appts." tab.
The University Health Center will work in cooperation with Johnson County Community Health Services to conduct contact tracing for individuals who test positive. If you have specific questions regarding testing and contact tracing, please contact the University Health Center at 660-543-4770 or
If you have possible COVID-19 symptoms, have possible exposure to COVID, or have tested positive, please sign into the patient portal and complete the COVID communication form.
Students who need accommodations due to medical or learning needs should contact the
Office of Accessibility Services at 660-543-4421 or Students who have concerns about their current schedule should contact the Success
Advising Center to discuss their options at
660-543-4721 or
If you are planning to use the Student Recreation and Wellness Center, here is some information that will help you maximize your visit:
Running and walking on the indoor track is allowed.
Capacity of the free weight room has increased from 10 this spring to 15 for fall semester.
The rock wall limit is 10 individuals at a time.
Basketball is permitted.
Individuals may check out equipment.
UCM Kick-off is scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 12. For more information, please visit for registration information.
The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak continues to evolve and the impact on UCM is being
monitored continually by the university. The well-being of all UCM faculty, staff,
students and visitors is a priority and the institution will make any adjustments
as necessary to respond to evolving circumstances. We will continue to keep you informed
of any new developments. If you have questions about coronavirus, or are interested
in seeing recent campus updates related to the virus, please visit
On Thursday, May 13, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) revised its guidance regarding the use of face coverings for vaccinated individuals. This updated guidance may be found in its entirety here. As a result of the revision in CDC guidance, the following changes are being made for UCM.
To All UCM Employees and Students,
With the end of the spring 2021 semester a few days away, planning for the 2021-2022 academic year is underway. We are looking forward to welcoming everyone back to campus this fall, but also remain vigilant about taking necessary steps to help us provide the safest living, learning and work environment possible while the pandemic continues.
We deeply appreciate your efforts over the past academic year to help us achieve our safety goals by following campus guidelines including wearing face coverings/masks. At this time, there are no plans to change this requirement this fall. It will remain in effect until further notice. This is in addition to encouraging everyone to follow best practices such as social distancing, frequent hand washing and other measures that are recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help you protect yourself and particularly your close friends and family members. We will share any updates with you through UCM email, in addition to updating our comprehensive COVID-19 website,
Here is some additional information:
While we encourage all campus members to get vaccinated for COVID-19, there are no plans at the present time to require individuals to get vaccinated before they return to campus this fall.
We will continue to work with local and county health agencies to schedule vaccination clinics at UCM-Lee’s Summit and Warrensburg campuses this summer. When available, these clinics will be announced through campus communication resources such as email, and shared on the UCM coronavirus webpage. Individuals who have not been vaccinated and are wanting to do so are encouraged to visit the Johnson County Community Health Services website to register at or the Western Missouri Medical Center website at . If you are attending UCM-Lee’s Summit, check out the Jackson County Health and Human Services website,, or visit the website of the county health organization nearest you. You may also want to check out vaccine availability at pharmacies near you.
If students wish to update their vaccination record, they may do so through the student portal. Here’s how:
The pandemic has created a very fluid planning environment which could result in some plans being changed depending on the virus’ progression. We encourage you to check your UCM email account for another campus communication in mid-to-late July.
Once again, thank you for assisting with our ongoing efforts to support a safe and healthy campus. We look forward to your return to UCM and a great new academic year. If you have any questions about the pandemic and its impact on UCM this fall, please check out
The Johnson County Community Health Services (JCCHS) Board of Directors has announced its plan to lift the mandatory countywide requirement for facial coverings/masks effective at 11:59 p.m. Friday, March 26, while issuing a public health advisory highly recommending facial coverings/masks.
Although action was taken by the JCCHS Board, while COVID-19 remains a health concern, the University of Central Missouri will continue to require face coverings/masks on campus until announced otherwise by UCM President Roger Best.
UCM’s requirement is part of its overall efforts to provide a campus environment that allows the university to offer and sustain in-person classes and services for students during the pandemic. The university follows U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines, which encourage the use of face coverings/masks to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. Additionally, some research suggests that facemasks can actually reduce the severity of the infection, if someone does get COVID-19, if face coverings/masks are worn correctly and consistently. Information related to this topic can be found in a study that appeared in the “Journal of General Internal Medicine” at
While the university continues to employ many different measures to help prevent the spread of coronavirus on campus, contact tracing currently has shown that infections within UCM’s student population are occurring in non-academic areas and predominantly in off-campus settings.
Students, faculty and staff should regularly self-monitor for symptoms consistent with COVID-19 and follow CDC guidance on self-isolation and testing if symptomatic, in consultation with their treating physician or Local Public Health Agency. (See for more information from the CDC.) UCM members also have recently received an email about vaccination clinics coming up on campus in the near future. Please consider these opportunities as you look for ways to protect yourself and others from the spread of COVID-19.
We appreciate your cooperation as we continue to support a safe and healthy campus environment. More information about UCM's face coverings/masks requirement can be found at
While the pandemic led to a temporary move to all single occupancy residence hall rooms for much of the 2020-2021 academic year, the University of Central Missouri will reinstate double occupancy housing beginning with the fall 2021 semester. University Housing will make available a limited number of single rooms to students, but for an additional charge.
Students who have a medical condition that they believe necessitates living in a single occupancy room will request their room by reaching out to the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) and providing supporting documentation. OAS will let university housing staff know if a single room is warranted.
A measure that was initiated this year to make it possible for sophomores (students with at least 30 semester hours of credit) to reside at The Crossing: South at Holden is being extended. Anyone who is a sophomore or above will be eligible to reside at The Crossing beginning this fall.
UCM continues to explore all opportunities to provide quality and affordable student housing. We are excited to have you join our residential community, and will keep you updated on any additional changes as we get closer to the 2021-2022 academic year.
To All UCM Employees and Students,
As you return to the University of Central Missouri for the spring 2021 semester, we want to welcome you back to campus and wish you a great new year.
Your health and safety continue to be our priority as we begin a new semester at UCM. We deeply appreciate your efforts to support a healthy campus environment by following campus guidelines including wearing face coverings/masks, which is a requirement that remains in effect until further notice, as well as efforts such as social distancing (at least six feet apart), frequent hand washing, avoiding large gatherings and other practices that are recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Here are some additional updates:
Travel Recommendations
If you have traveled recently or plan to travel in the future, please note that UCM has adopted COVID-19 guidelines recommending that you limit non-essential activities for seven days following travel. Also, we encourage you to get tested three to five days following travel. Students can do this at the University Health Center (UHC) free of charge. We recommend employees talk with their medical provider about whether or not they should get tested.
Free COVID-19 Rapid Testing for Students
Once again, thank you for assisting with our ongoing efforts to support a safe and healthy campus. We look forward to your return to UCM and a great spring 2021 semester.
After experiencing an increase in confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 locally, the Johnson County Public Health Officer and the Johnson County Community Health Services Board of Trustees has announced its plan to reissue a Face Covering Order, effective at 12:01 a.m. Monday Oct. 12. The countywide order will stay in effect until further notice. Please click on the following link to learn more:
In addition to this countywide action, while COVID-19 remains a health concern, the University of Central Missouri will continue to require face coverings/masks on campus until announced otherwise by UCM President Roger Best.
UCM’s requirement is part of its overall efforts to provide a campus environment that allows the university to offer and sustain in-person classes and services for students during the pandemic. The university follows U.S. Centers for Disease Control guidelines, which encourages the use of face coverings/masks to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. Additionally, some research suggests that facemasks can actually reduce the severity of the infection, if someone does get COVID-19, if face coverings/masks are worn correctly and consistently. Information related to this topic can be found in a study that appeared in the Journal of General Internal Medicine at
While the university continues to employ many different measures to help prevent the spread of coronavirus on campus, contact tracing currently has shown that infections within UCM’s student population are occurring in non-academic areas and predominantly in off-campus settings.
Students, faculty and staff should regularly self-monitor for symptoms consistent with COVID-19 and follow CDC guidance on self-isolation and testing if symptomatic, in consultation with their treating physician or Local Public Health Agency. (See for more information from the CDC.)
We appreciate your cooperation as we continue to support a safe and healthy campus environment. More information about UCM's face coverings/masks requirement can be found at
The Johnson County Community Health Services Board of Directors has announced its plan to not extend the mandatory countywide requirement for facial coverings after the order to wear them expires on Sept. 13, but has issued a public health advisory highly recommending face coverings/masks.
Although action was taken by the JCCHS Board, while COVID-19 remains a health concern, the University of Central Missouri will continue to require face coverings/masks on campus until announced otherwise by UCM President Roger Best.
UCM’s requirement is part of its overall efforts to provide a campus environment that allows the university to offer and sustain in-person classes and services for students during the pandemic. The university follows U.S. Centers for Disease Control guidelines, which encourages the use of face coverings/masks to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. Additionally, some research suggests that facemasks can actually reduce the severity of the infection, if someone does get COVID-19, if face coverings/masks are worn correctly and consistently. Information related to this topic can be found in a study that appeared in the Journal of General Internal Medicine at
While the university continues to employ many different measures to help prevent the spread of coronavirus on campus, contact tracing currently has shown that infections within UCM’s student population are occurring in non-academic areas and predominantly in off-campus settings.
Students, faculty and staff should regularly self-monitor for symptoms consistent with COVID-19 and follow CDC guidance on self-isolation and testing if symptomatic, in consultation with their treating physician or Local Public Health Agency. (See for more information from the CDC.)
We appreciate your cooperation as we continue to support a safe and healthy campus environment. More information about UCM's face coverings/masks requirement can be found at
In our efforts to continue to keep you informed about the impact of COVID-19 on the University of Central Missouri campus in Warrensburg and in Lee’s Summit, we are updating information that was previously shared on July 15 about preparations for the fall 2020 semester. As we get ready for the first day of classes on Aug. 17, we are taking steps to promote a safe campus while remaining steadfast in our commitment to provide a quality educational environment. While we still plan to offer in-person classes, we recognize there will be a number of changes from a typical academic year, but we appreciate the cooperation and understanding of all campus members as we work together to persevere through the challenges the pandemic poses. Read more
After weighing the desire to provide the same kind of quality commencement experience that other University of Central Missouri graduates have enjoyed against current, increasing limitations posed by COVID-19, UCM today announced it is canceling commencement exercises planned for Saturday, Aug. 1. Campus leaders will continue evaluating ways to appropriately honor spring and summer 2020 graduates and their families, and will keep the campus community informed of any such plans. Individuals who were eligible to walk during the August ceremony also have the option to participate in the December 2020 or May 2021 ceremonies.
“Commencement is a proud tradition we have celebrated for 149 years, so it is incredibly disappointing we will not be able to conduct a ceremony in August, particularly understanding what it means for our students and their families,” said UCM President Roger Best. “While much planning has taken place, we have determined that the manner in which we were having to move forward with commencement against the backdrop of this very fluid and unpredictable environment did not allow us to fully honor our graduates as we have done throughout the university’s history.”
The university annually celebrates its spring and summer commencement in May. Because the campus was closed due to coronavirus in spring 2020, the event was rescheduled to Aug. 1, and preparations were being made to conduct four ceremonies on Aug. 1. Doing so, however, also resulted in strict limitations on the number of guests students could invite to the ceremony in order to foster social distancing, according to Centers for Disease Control guidelines. This did not allow the university to maintain its historical standard of celebration/honor, as full attendance by families was not possible, nor would graduates have the opportunity to be recognized on stage. Additionally, the gathering was still considered a higher-risk event based on the CDC guidelines (
Best pointed out that the response to commencement – with over 1,000 students indicating intent to participate – was outstanding. This, however, coupled with the number of potential guests, even in an alternate venue such as Walton Stadium, contributed to concerns about social distancing and the ability to ensure that everyone in attendance wore face coverings as required by UCM at on-campus events.
The university continues to monitor COVID-19 and its impact on other university events, including future commencement exercises. Individuals can follow updates about future commencement plans at
UCM is moving forward with plans to begin classes on Aug. 17 as we make adjustments related to COVID-19. The following information is intended to assist in your preparations for the new academic year and applies to both the main campus in Warrensburg and UCM-Lee’s Summit. Given the dynamic nature of the current environment, this information may be updated.
Face Masks/Coverings
The wearing of face coverings, consistent with Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines (, will be required in classrooms; inside buildings open to the public and in common areas of all buildings on campus; at group events, gatherings and meetings; and in all areas of campus, including outdoors, where physical distancing is not possible. This face covering requirement will be implemented and in effect regardless of when and if current Jackson County and Johnson County face covering requirements are lifted and until further notice is given to do otherwise.
The required use of face coverings applies to students, faculty, staff, vendors and visitors. Face coverings are not required in enclosed and isolated areas assigned to an individual such as individual office spaces and single occupancy residence hall rooms, for individuals five years of age or younger, or when an individual is eating or drinking.
Individuals who have certain health issues may be exempt from this requirement. Faculty and staff who would like to request an exemption should contact Human Resources. Students requesting an exemption should contact the Office of Accessibility Services.
The Office of the Provost and the respective college’s Office of the Dean will work with academic programs to coordinate training for faculty regarding this requirement and classroom procedures.
General Steps and Expectations
On-campus Residence Hall Changes
Move-in Process
In an effort to limit crowds and allow for physical distancing, the move-in process
for this year has been modified. First-year students who sign up for UCM Kickoff
will be required to sign up for a move-in time, and will move-in Thursday, Aug. 13,
between 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. All other first-year students and upper class students will
move into residence halls on Sunday, Aug.16, from 8 a.m. -
4 p.m., and will receive a direct communication about move-in. Those living in apartments
will receive a direct communication regarding move-in, which will begin Friday, Aug.
University Housing will further communicate with residence hall students through UCM email in mid-July for sign-up instructions, and information will be posted at
If you have specific questions regarding move-in, please contact University Housing at 660-543-4515 or at
Campus Dining Updates
The following are some of the steps the University and Sodexo, UCM’s food services provider, are taking to support a safe dining experience.
Classroom Safety
International Students
Domestic Students Return from Travel Abroad
Faculty and Staff Travel
Testing and Contact Tracing
Specific questions regarding testing and contact tracing may be directed to Johnson County Community Health Services. Students who have questions about testing may also contact the University Health Center at 660-543-4770 or
Additional Accommodations
Students who need accommodations due to disability or mental or physical health should contact the Office of Accessibility Services at 660-543-4421 or Students who have concerns about their current schedule should contact the Success Advising Center to discuss their options at 660-543-4721 or
UCM Kick-off
UCM Kick-off is still scheduled for Thursday, August 13. For more information, please visit
The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is an evolving situation that is continually being monitored by the university. As the safety and well-being of all UCM members and campus visitors is a priority, UCM leadership will make any adjustments that it believes are necessary to meet this goal and to comply with any local, state or federal requirements. We will continue to keep you informed of any new developments. If you have questions about coronavirus, or are interested in seeing recent campus updates related to the virus, please visit
With Johnson County, Missouri, experiencing a 32.8 percent increase in confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 over a 10-day period, a face covering mandate has been ordered. Jackson County, home to UCM’s Lee’s Summit Campus, has implemented a similar order. UCM asks that all persons on our campuses act in accordance with these mandates. This 21-day order is initiated by Johnson County Community Health Services (JCCHS), and is effective at 12:00 a.m. on Monday, July 6, through Tuesday, July 28. Jackson County’s mandate has no set end date at this time.
The orders require individuals to wear a face covering, such as a cloth face mask, over their nose and mouth, in any indoor building open to the public, including but not limited to retail stores, grocery stores, office buildings, places of worship and restaurants/bars. Additionally, face coverings are required in outdoor public gathering places when social distancing (maintaining a distance of at least six feet from others outside your household) is not an option. Individuals should provide their own face coverings.
There are exceptions to the county mandates, including buildings not open to the public, offices assigned to only one individual, and for individuals speaking to a group where they can maintain a distance of at least six feet from the individuals to whom they are speaking. The orders also provide numerous individual exemptions, including, for example, children younger than five years old, individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, and other health and medical exemptions. Anyone for whom an exemption listed in the order(s) applies is automatically exempted from the requirement to wear a face covering, and need not seek documentation of an exemption from the county or UCM.
To view the JCCHS order, please click on the following link:
To view the Jackson County order, please click on the following link:
Questions about the orders should be directed to the County Health Services Offices; contact information is listed in the orders.
Here are additional tips from JCCHS about wearing a face covering:
We also encourage employees, students and visitors to observe the following, as recommended by the CDC:
Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in helping slow the spread of COVID-19 in our community.
Dear Employees,
The University is aware that an employee has publicly announced they have tested positive for COVID-19. We have completed our area-specific deep cleaning procedures in compliance with CDC guidelines.
UCM does not make health diagnoses or give medical advice. Out of respect for individuals’ privacy, UCM will not release an individual’s confidential health information even if that person chooses to share their own information publicly. After any community diagnosis, local health authorities conduct contact tracing and reach out to individuals who, in their opinion, should quarantine or monitor symptoms based on contact with the individual testing positive. If you are contacted during this process and instructed to stay home, please contact HR at 660.543.4255 so they can coordinate your leave, which qualifies for certain pay and benefit coverage under the CARES Act.
With more than ten active cases of COVID-19 in Johnson County, we remain committed to supporting the safety and well-being of all students and employees at this unprecedented time. This requires a community effort, and we ask that you please take this opportunity to consider ways you can help decrease the spread of the virus to protect your safety and the health and safety of others. Please observe the following:
We thank you for being attentive, flexible, serious and engaged regarding the steps we need to take as a community to care for ourselves and for each other.
In keeping with previously announced plans to return to normal operations at the University of Central Missouri, campus buildings will be open beginning on Monday, June 8. The buildings have been locked throughout the spring as a way to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, but will now be accessible to the public.
Our efforts to maintain a safe and healthy campus are continuing, and include an enhanced commitment to cleaning and sanitization measures and setting up facilities to help promote social distancing. Although we do not require individuals to wear protective masks, they are certainly encouraged to do so, using their own personal protective equipment. Here are just a few other CDC recommendations for individuals to protect themselves, their colleagues and friends from the spread of coronavirus:
For additional information about COVID-19, please visit
Western Missouri Medical Center is working with the University of Central Missouri to provide COVID-19 Antibody testing for UCM employees. Testing will take place from 3 to 6 p.m. Thursday, June 4, in Parking Lot 11, located between the James. C. Kirkpatrick Library and the University Health Center.
Antibody testing is open to all current UCM employees and is free of charge. Employees who participate will be required to provide their UCM identification card. Non-employees, which include spouses and dependents, also can take advantage of the convenient location. The cost for non-employees without insurance is $35. WMMC will not bill any insurance carriers for this testing.
Payment in the form of cash or check will be required at the time of testing for all non-employees.
Please take advantage of this opportunity to get free COVID-19 Antibody testing.
For additional information, please visit the WMMC COVID-19 Antibody test FAQ page located at
Please note: This event will be rescheduled if weather does not permit it to take place as planned. A determination will be made, and notification sent to the campus community by 2 pm on June 4.
With preparations underway for the fall 2020 semester at UCM, President Best will answer questions about the upcoming semester in a virtual forum on Thursday, June 11 at 2 p.m. Students, parents and the entire campus community are invited to submit questions about the university’s plans via our online form.
All questions must be submitted via our online form by June 7 in order to be considered. Dr. Best will answer as many questions as possible, but due to volume, it may not be possible to respond to every submission. Dr. Best hopes to hear from you, and appreciates you staying informed about the fall semester. [Submit a Question]
We are back on campus planning for your arrival this fall. Much work is being done across the University of Central Missouri to plan and adjust as proactively as possible to this new environment while prioritizing your safety and educational needs and those of all of our students.
We plan to conduct in-person classes this fall. Listed below are some preliminary steps we are taking as a University within the academic, residence and food service areas. In addition to these plans, our COVID-19 task force continues to meet regularly to ensure campus preparedness and responsiveness at a time when many unexpected challenges may emerge.
Here are some steps we are taking as a University to help create a safe and healthy environment:
Academic adjustments:
We will continue to communicate updates through the UCM News Bureau, as well as our website, social media, your UCM email account, and traditional media.
As a member of our UCM family, your safety and well-being is our top priority. For the latest information, visit
We are currently on track to end the mandatory “work remote” requirement and procedures for full-time employees who are currently designated as nonessential. This will occur by having groups of employees return to campus (including UCM-Lee’s Summit) on two different dates. One group will return on Monday, May 18, while all remaining (previously designated) nonessential employees will return Monday, June 1. Employees will be notified by supervisors of their respective date of return, and we will be operating using our traditional summer hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Nonessential employees who are not identified to return on May 18 are expected to continue to perform duties under the “work remote” requirement and procedures and not return to campus until June 1.
Although all full-time employees will be returning to UCM no later than June 1, we will not allow public access into university buildings nor provide face-to-face, student-oriented or public services until June 8. With the exception of the Kirkpatrick Library and select retail outlets that are already open for residential students and/or the public, services will continue to be provided virtually until June 8. Also, a limited number of facilities will be used for summer camps, some of which are tentatively scheduled to start the week of June 1. Designated university staff will provide information to individuals sponsoring summer camps regarding access, social distancing and other precautions that will be taken during these special activities.
Your personal safety and well-being remains a priority, and we continue to rely upon the guidance of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control as well as county and state guidelines. In that regard, I ask that all employees note the following:
This has been a challenging spring for you, and your response to dealing with sudden
change has been exceptional and a model for others. I appreciate your continued use
of good judgement, patience and cooperation as we all work together to navigate and
manage through this time in our history.
- Roger
As individuals, we all have observed the uncertainty and disagreement regarding the question of when everything will return to "normal". Internally, we have had extensive discussion regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and necessary operating responses, as well as the current recovery plans distributed by local, state and federal governments. Currently, we are planning for our postponed spring commencements, originally scheduled for May 8 and 9, to take place August 1. We are also planning for students to return as scheduled to campus for fall face-to-face classes and extracurricular activities. We will continue to monitor governmental mandates and CDC guidelines as we approach fall semester, and will make adjustments if and as necessary to follow guidance related to public events and class structure.
It has been a challenging time for all of us. Thank you for your extraordinary efforts to ensure the mission of UCM has been carried out. And while we still have much work to do, I have tremendous confidence in our ability to continue to provide the exceptional education and extraordinary service for which we are known because of you.
It is with much anticipation that I look forward to seeing you on campus again soon.
Dr. Roger Best
The University of Central Missouri’s “work remote” status is being extended through Sunday, May 17, 11:59 p.m. This requirement applies to all employees with the exception of those designated as “essential employees.” Additional information about the transition back to campus-based operations on May 18 will be provided in the near future.
We appreciate your continued cooperation as we work together to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, and we encourage you to continue to follow guidance provided by the CDC and local health authorities to maintain your personal well-being and the well-being of those around you. Thanks for all you do for UCM, particularly at this extraordinary time.
Commencement is an exciting time to honor the achievements of University of Central Missouri graduates, as well as their families and friends who have supported them during their time at UCM. While we traditionally celebrate our spring and summer graduates in ceremonies that take place in May, the impact of COVID-19 necessitated the postponement of this event to protect the safety and health of our graduating students and everyone involved in commencement exercises. We are rescheduling commencement for Aug. 1, 2020. Individuals who cannot participate Aug. 1 will be allowed to participate in the December 2020 commencement ceremony.
The UCM Commencement Committee is currently working on additional details, including a number of ceremonies and start times for each. We will provide these details in the near future. Additional information, when available, will be posted on the UCM commencement website at
We continue to monitor developments associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and modify
university operating procedures when necessary. Currently, all university sponsored
travel is restricted through May 10. This restriction is being extended through May
31, and any exception to this must be approved by the area Vice President. All other
changes remain in place as previously announced.
Please keep in mind our continued commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being
of all students and employees at this unprecedented time. We ask that you please follow
these tips to help protect your health and the safety and health of others as we work
together to slow the spread of COVID-19:
To assist with the abrupt transition to virtual delivery of coursework, the following adjustments are being made to the pass/fail grading deadlines and policies for the spring 2020 semester. These modifications pertain to the spring 2020 semester only.
Any undergraduate student may designate any course as pass/fail.
The deadline for designating a full spring term or second eight (8) week course to pass/fail is April 24th.
Any pass/fail designations during the spring 2020 semester will not count towards the nine hour limit in order to allow for future utilization of the pass fail option in subsequent semesters.
Students must consult with their advisor to assist with designating a course as pass/fail. Advisors will email the Registrar,, to request a pass/fail designation for students in order to maintain a proper record for documentation. Pass/fail designations should be considered for their possible relationship to financial aid, g.p.a., prerequisites, and admission to graduate or professional school.
These changes temporarily removes both the current policy cap (9 hours) and courses pass/fail pertains (electives only).
The new pass/fail policy for Spring 2020 applies only to undergraduate students taking undergraduate courses OR graduate students who are enrolled in undergraduate courses.
Undergraduate students must consult with their success advisor to designate a course as pass/fail.
The University of Central Missouri has learned that a student, who is currently residing on campus, tested positive for novel Coronavirus COVID-19 but is no longer considered contagious.
The student self-quarantined after believing that they were exposed by someone with whom they visited outside of Johnson County, Missouri. We are working with Johnson County Community Health Services to follow all appropriate protocols. Local health officials are reaching out to people who may have been in close contact with the student, and will provide guidance to those individuals.
As we continue to monitor evolving issues related to COVID-19, we have been actively
engaged in activities to help protect members of the campus community. These include
implementation of enhanced cleaning protocols; measures such as social distancing;
moving from face-to-face to all online courses; meeting via online tools such as Zoom;
canceling all public events including sports activities, and postponing spring 2020
commencement. Additionally, we announced March 26 that we have initiated a mandated
“work remote” procedure effective at 6 p.m. Sunday, March 29 through
May 1 for all “non-essential” employees.
We are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all students and employees at this unprecedented time. To assist in this effort, we ask that you please take this opportunity to consider ways you can help decrease spread the virus to protect your safety and the health and safety of others. Please observe the following:
This is not a time for alarm, but a time to be attentive, flexible, serious and engaged regarding the steps we need to take as a community to care for ourselves and for each other. Please be attentive to UCM communications addressing COVID-19 and additional steps we will be taking to address this rapidly evolving situation. Visit our website for updates.
Thank you for your assistance as we continue to work together in the fight against COVID-19.
With multiple cases of COVID-19 now confirmed in Johnson County, Missouri, the University of Central Missouri is moving to a mandatory “work remote” procedure effective 6:00 p.m., Sunday, March 29, and lasting through 11:59 p.m., Friday, May 1. This requirement applies to all employees with the exception of those designated as “essential employees.” Essential employees were notified by email of their status on Thursday, March 26, and are considered employees whose presence may be required on campus as directed by their supervisor to carry out the operations of the University.
As of Friday, March 27, 5:00 p.m., all University buildings with limited exceptions will be accessible only by keyed entry. The James C. Kirkpatrick Library will remain open under modified hours for students who need access to complete online coursework. Mules National Golf Club remains open with modified operations to allow for social distancing and with enhanced cleaning protocols. Also open are Westside Market at Todd Hall “to-go” for students, the Campus Store in the Crossing (convenience store only), Foster Knox Childcare Center and the Student Health Center.
Although Johnson County, Missouri, is not currently under a stay at home order, this “work remote” requirement will allow for modification to workloads and enhanced spatial distancing for employees who must be on campus. And, while this change in work routine may create inconveniences, we are committed to doing our part to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we all work together to navigate through this serious health issue. Individuals who have concerns about their ability to work at home should discuss them with their supervisor.
We ask that you continue to monitor your campus email and the university website for future updates.
It has been confirmed by Johnson County Community Health Services that a county resident residing near Knob Noster has tested positive for COVID-19, and is now isolated at their residence in accordance with CDC protocols.
This is the first case of the virus to be confirmed in this county. The local agency is working with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services to locate individuals who may have been in close contact with this individual and may be infectious. They will monitor them for fever and respiratory symptoms. Based on information provided by county health officials in a press conference last night, the individual affected previously was in contact with a person in another county who tested positive for COVID-19. No further information was provided about the individual.
This new development reminds us that we all have a role in helping to prevent the spread of the virus. As such, we want to take this opportunity to remind our community of some important information regarding COVID-19. In an effort to slow the spread of the virus, we are requesting your immediate attention to and compliance with the following health-authority-recommended practices – not only to ensure your own well-being, but the well-being of others:
If you develop a cough, fever, or difficulty breathing, you should stay home and call your primary care provider. UCM students living on campus or in the local community may use this COVID-19 screening form to expedite a response from the University Health Center or may call 660-543-4770.
The CDC website ( and UCM’s COVID-19 information page ( contains all current recommendations for this evolving situation.
Know that we continue to monitor updated guidance and information and take action as necessary. We encourage the campus community to be attentive, flexible, serious, and engaged regarding any and all steps we take as a community to care for ourselves and for one another. Please be attentive to all email communications addressing COVID-19, which provide up-to-date information specific to the University of Central Missouri.
We continue to monitor federal and state guidance and actions pertaining to COVID-19 and are adjusting operations accordingly. The information below regarding campus operations supersedes the guidance distributed to you on Monday, March 16.
Courses and Campus Activities
Residence Halls
We encourage you to continue to monitor your email and for updates regarding UCM operations and the CDC website ( for national guidance.
UCM Lee’s Summit to close for deep cleaning Tuesday and Wednesday, March 17 and 18
All UCM courses are paused until March 30 when all courses will be delivered virtually
The University of Central Missouri’s Lee’s Summit campus will close on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 17 and 18, to allow custodial staff members to complete a deep cleaning of the entire Missouri Innovation Campus facility. The building will reopen on Thursday, March 18.
UCM is currently on spring break through March 22, and all online, hybrid and face-to-face classes are paused until March 30 with no instruction and no assignments during this period. Beginning March 30 and through April 24, all face-to-face classes and in-person components of hybrid courses will be delivered virtually. Practicum, internships, student teaching, clinicals and flight hours will continue. Students impacted by cancellations by sponsoring agencies or businesses should contact their respective school chair for further guidance and assistance.
Both the UCM Warrensburg and Lee’s Summit campuses will remain open (with the exception of the Lee’s Summit campus scheduled closing for deep cleaning on March 17 and 18). The university’s bus service between the Warrensburg and Lee’s Summit campuses is suspended through April 24. In addition, all university-sponsored and hosted events through April 24 are cancelled.
No later than April 13, UCM will provide further guidance regarding class sessions and finals occurring after April 24.
Students wanting to contact an advisor on Tuesday and Wednesday are encouraged to contact Brenda Fuhr at Students who would like career or resume assistance may contact Clarinda Dir at
Please visit the UCM Update on Coronavirus webpage for information regarding this evolving situation.
Effective today, March 16, the University of Central Missouri is enacting the following measures in alignment with our COVID-19 planning and response protocols.
Individuals are encouraged to monitor CDC communications (, the UCM COVID-19 website, and UCM email messages for further updates.
UCM was notified late yesterday, March 12, that all MIAA intercollegiate sports activities, both practices and competition, are being suspended indefinitely. This follows a decision by NCAA President Mark Emmert and its Board of Governors to cancel all winter and spring championships for all three divisions.
These decisions are being made amid among growing health concerns related to coronavirus (COVID-19), and are part of the NCAA and MIAA’s efforts to help ensure the health and safety of student athletes, coaches, administrators and the community of fans that enjoy collegiate sports. Learn more about the MIAA suspension of collegiate sports here. An update on the NCAA decision can be found here.
Members of the UCM Community:
As of March 11, there were no reported cases of COVID-19 on either of UCM's primary campuses. We continue to monitor the fluid nature of guidance and requirements for dealing with Novel Coronavirus, including CDC and Missouri DHHS guidelines.
No decision has been made regarding changing the format of class offerings. I recognize other universities in the state have announced short-term changes. Most of these institutions are on spring break this week and are extending their break by an additional week. With spring break for us next week, we will have an opportunity to more fully evaluate numerous scenarios, including the significant impact on faculty and students should class structure be changed.
If you are a student, as you prepare for what is hoped to be a relaxing spring break,
please don't forget to pack your textbooks, computer and other essentials. Although
we have made no decision regarding any changes to class format, we are continually
monitoring the situation and will keep you updated on any new decisions. In addition,
individual circumstances may change, and if you find yourself staying at home or another
location following spring break, it will be helpful to have your books and technology
with you in case you need to participate remotely.
Also, because of the heightened concern individuals have regarding this virus, I am
modifying our travel provisions.
Effective Monday, March 16, all nonessential university-sponsored travel on public transport is suspended for the remainder of spring 2020 semester. Exceptions and determination of essential will be made by the respective area Vice President. A determination about travel planned for May 11 or later will be made no later than April 13.
University-sponsored travel in private carriage should be limited in scope and purpose.
All study abroad is hereby canceled for the remainder of spring 2020 semester. Students, faculty and staff who are already abroad have been or are in the process of being recalled. A decision regarding summer 2020 study abroad will be made no later than April 1.
Currently, per NCAA and MIAA conference guidance, travel for intercollegiate competitions will continue. On March 11, the NCAA announced limited attendance for the Division I and Division II basketball tournaments (Division III had already been impacted). We continue to monitor guidance from the NCAA and MIAA regarding spring competitions.
As noted above, we are experiencing a unique and fluid environment. No administrative-level decisions have been made yet which would alter university-sponsored or university-hosted events, although some meetings/conferences, including the Children's Literature Festival, have been canceled by organizers.
The COVID-19 preparations team continues to meet and remains vigilant for further developments regarding this virus. I urge you to continue to follow CDC guidelines for personal and community well-being, including frequent hand washing, avoiding others if you are sick, and social distancing where possible.
As a reminder, updates and other pertinent information are being posted to
All UCM study abroad is hereby canceled for the remainder of the spring 2020 semester. Students, faculty and staff who are already abroad have been or are in the process of being recalled. A decision regarding summer 2020 study abroad will be made no later than April 1. UCM is asking all study abroad students to make arrangements to return to the United States as soon as possible and communicate these arrangements both to the UCM Study Abroad Office as well as their host university. Students can reach the UCM Study Abroad Office by phone at 660-543-4195, or by email at
Students should continue to monitor UCM emails for the most updated information from UCM and from the UCM Study Abroad Office, and be familiar with UCM's dedicated page for the coronavirus (COVID-19).
Yesterday, I distributed a message regarding COVID-19. With spring break coming up next week, it is critical that you consider your personal well-being as you travel. I ask that you reconsider traveling to areas where the number of outbreaks has been increasing, areas which have a Center for Disease Control (CDC) Travel Assessment of Level 2, and areas where states of emergency have been declared.
You should likely avoid areas where the CDC Travel Assessment is at Level 3 ( CDC advises that individuals returning from a Level 3 country stay home for 14 days after returning. Regardless of your travel plans, please follow all CDC and medical professional guidance, including frequent hand washing, maintaining adequate distance from others (particularly for anyone exhibiting symptoms), and avoiding others if you are sick.
If you live on campus and desire or need to change your travel plans, UCM Housing will work with you to provide a place to stay over spring break. Please contact Brenda Moeder ( for assistance.
We will continue to provide updates on UCM plans regarding this virus. All updates will be posted to, and I encourage you to check this site before returning to campus following spring break to determine whether there have been any new developments. Please continue to consider your health and safety during the break.
We continue to monitor closely developments related to Novel Coronavirus COVID-19. As you are likely aware, individuals have been diagnosed with this particular virus in both Missouri and Kansas. Both states are currently at a low level of reported cases.
As a continuation of our preparations and plans regarding COVID-19, we are implementing immediately the following measures:
We have developed and will enact additional measures if necessary and appropriate for the safety and well-being of students, faculty, staff and visitors. I encourage you to visit UCM's dedicated webpage for Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 at to stay informed. We will update this site with additional information as it becomes available.
UCM staff have been working closely with current international students, returning students and their families on travel, academic resources, and other issues. Students or families with questions should contact Matt Chiesi in the Study Abroad office at or Shellie Hewitt in Graduate and International Student Services at
UCM is asking students currently studying abroad in countries with a CDC Travel Advisory Level 2 or 3 to return to the United States and complete their semester here. UCM will accommodate these students in their completion of credits as needed on a case-by-case basis, whether through collaboration with our international partners for remote completion or other means. For upcoming faculty-led study tours at locations with a CDC Travel Advisory Level 2 or 3, UCM will not allow groups to travel to these locations, and will work closely with leaders to determine whether other locations can be substituted or if programs should cancel. These will be determined on a group-by-group basis.
For the remainder of spring 2020 semester, travel to countries with a CDC Travel Advisory Level of 2 or higher is restricted for faculty, staff, and students. An update will be posted no later than April 13 for travel expected to occur May 11 or after.
UCM is asking students currently studying abroad in countries with a CDC Travel Advisory Level 2 or 3 to return to the United States and complete their semester here. UCM will accommodate these students in their completion of credits as needed on a case-by-case basis, whether through collaboration with our international partners for remote completion or other means. For upcoming faculty-led study tours at locations with a CDC Travel Advisory Level 2 or 3, UCM will not allow groups to travel to these locations, and will work closely with leaders to determine whether other locations can be substituted or if programs should cancel. These will be determined on a group-by-group basis.
At this time, the university has not limited travel domestically. Those traveling to conferences, meetings or other events should carefully review their travel plans to avoid, if possible, states or municipalities with declared states of emergency. We are asking everyone to carefully consider all university-related travel, and if you travel, to take appropriate precautions when you travel and upon return as needed.
There have been no cases of COVID-19 reported in Missouri. UCM has been and will continue to be in regular contact with state and county officials and reviews CDC communications daily. As of March 2, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated that the virus is not currently spreading widely in the United States.
At this time, UCM will not be imposing travel restrictions for study abroad or any other international travel beyond those issued by state and federal authorities. We are communicating with our study abroad students and our international partners. We will also work with our international partners on issues arising from any host-imposed cancellations or restrictions.