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University News

Virtual Reality Demonstration
University News, School of Nursing, UCM-LS, MIC

Nursing Instructors Experience AR-VR Capabilities at UCM's Mixed Reality Studio

The University of Central Missouri’s student team works with the School of Nursing to help develop healthcare applications using augmented and virtual reality.

September 28, 2021
Matthew Garver Portrait
Advising, University News

Garver's Commitment to Academic Advising Results in Statewide Recognition

Demonstrating his commitment to helping students succeed in their education at the University of Central Missouri, Matthew Garver, Ph.D., has received the Missouri Academic Advising Association (MACADA) Outstanding Academic Advising Award for Faculty Academic Advising. Garver was honored at MACADA’s 2021 virtual conference.

September 27, 2021
Graduates of Medical Coding And Billing Certificate Program
University News, UCM-Lee's Summit

Medical Coding and Billing Graduates Earn Valuable Certificate from UCM

Graduates of the University of Central Missouri’s Medical Coding and Billing Professional Certificate Program were recognized at a ceremony at UCM’s Lee’s Summit campus.

September 23, 2021


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