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University News

collegeeducation, University News

UCM Board Sets FY19 Budget, Affirms 'Department to School Restructuring Plan'

Pending future changes in state appropriations for Missouri’s public colleges and universities, the University of Central Missouri Board of Governors has adopted its Fiscal Year 2019 budget, holding undergraduate resident tuition at a 1 percent increase, effective this fall. It also targets a $17.4 million budget reduction over FY18, based on the projected decrease in revenues and various mandatory cost increases.

May 02, 2018
University News, collegeeducation, events

UCM to Host Earth Week 2018 Celebration

The Office of Sustainability and the Office of Student Activities at the University of Central Missouri will host Earth Week 2018 April 16-21 on the UCM campus. This year the university’s annual celebration of Earth Day also includes the annual Teach-In on Sustainability.

April 12, 2018
University News, collegeeducation

Ambrose Joins ACE Convening on Freedom of Expression April 11

University of Central Missouri President Chuck Ambrose will join higher education leaders nationwide at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., Wednesday, April 11, to discuss elements of a strong institutional framework for freedom of expression and challenges that go with it.

April 10, 2018


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