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University News

Bruce K. Lyon and Dr. Georgi Popov
awards, facstaff, University News

UCM Faculty Member, Alumnus, Recognized for Top Safety Journal Articles

The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) Editorial Review Board has recognized two research articles co-written by a University of Central Missouri faculty member and a UCM alumnus among the top three best member-authored works published by “Professional Safety Journal (PSJ)” for 2019.

June 18, 2020
Making Production Crew
KMOS-TV, University News, awards

KMOS-TV Production Honored with Telly Awards

"Making," the six-part series hosted by Matt Burchett, recently earned the University of Central Missouri’s public television station, KMOS-TV, seven Telly Awards in three categories.

June 05, 2020
Hairspray at UCM
University News, awards, CAHSS

Theatre and Dance Presents Awards, Scholarships at First Virtual Banquet

The Department of Theatre and Dance held its first “Virtual” Awards Banquet May 2, 2020 via a pre-recorded YouTube link. It was made available on all the department social media platforms at 6 p.m.on the day of the event, and was emailed to patrons and donors who may have missed the link’s posting.

May 14, 2020


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