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University News

ATMAE Virtual Presentation
student success, University News

Five UCM Graduate Students, Two Faculty Members Collaborate on Presentations at ATMAE Virtual National Conference

The annual conference of the Association of Technology Management and Applied Engineering Technology (ATMAE) is being conducted virtually and is an opportunity to showcase meaningful research conducted by members of the organization in a variety of academic and professional areas. A grant from UCM’s Office of Graduate Education and Research (GER) helps make UCM student participation possible.

October 26, 2020
Library Science Class
awards, University News, Rankings

UCM Only Missouri Institution Recognized for Most Affordable MS in Library Science

The University of Central Missouri was the only institution in Missouri to recently be ranked by for having one of the “Most Affordable Online Library Science Degrees.”

October 21, 2020
KDP T-shirts
college of education, University News

Kappa Delta Pi Seeks Support for Campus Cupboard Through T-shirt Sales

While red is one of the University of Central Missouri school colors, faculty, staff and students in the College of Education recently got an extra dose of this warm hue as faculty, staff and students purchased and wore T-shirts in support of Kappa Delta Pi education honor society’s efforts to assist the Campus Cupboard and to benefit the KDP freshman student mentoring program.

October 21, 2020


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