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University News

awards, University News, collegehealth

Children's Mercy Hospital Recognizes UCM CHAMP Group as Volunteers of the Month

Leaders and members of the University of Central Missouri Children in Healthcare and Medical Play (CHAMP) organization are being recognized as Volunteers of the Month for November 2018 by Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City.

November 20, 2018
Dr. Jose Mercado
facstaff, University News

Longtime Academic Leader Mercado Becomes Dean of Harmon College Jan. 1

A dedicated educator who has served the University of Central Missouri and its students since 1988 today was named dean of the Adrian and Margaret Harmon College of Business and Professional Studies (HCBPS). Jose Mercado, Ph.D., who currently serves as chair of the School of Business Administration: Division of Business Analytics, assumes this post-Jan. 1, 2019.

November 17, 2018
Raj Nair
University News, events, collegehealth

Yotabites Co-founder Raj Nair Second Speaker in Big Data and Analytics Series Nov. 16

The University of Central Missouri’s Division of Business Analytics will host Raj Nair, chief executive officer and co-founder of Yotabites Consulting LLC, at 10:30 a.m. Friday, Nov. 16 in Ward Edwards 2020. Nair will discuss “The Role of Big Data and Analytics in a Digitized World.”

November 09, 2018


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