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University News

affordability, University News

Board Sets Tuition, Housing Fees During March Meeting

Part of an overall strategy to address an expected $5.4 million decline in state funding for Fiscal Year 2019, the University of Central Missouri Board of Governors is putting a 2.1 percent increase in base resident undergraduate and graduate tuition on the books in preparation for the fall 2018 semester.

March 21, 2018
University News, awards

Garver Honored with Missouri Governor's Award for Excellence in Education

Beginning his work at the University of Central Missouri in fall 2016, Matthew J. Garver’s tenure may be brief, but the positive impact he is having on students has contributed to his selection as recipient of the Missouri Governor’s Award for Excellence in Education.

March 16, 2018
awards, University News

UCM Professor Honored with SHAPE America Joy of Effort Award

A University of Central Missouri faculty member whose professional peers have described as a “master educator,” Dennis Docheff, professor in the Department of Nutrition and Kinesiology, is being recognized with the Joy of Effort Award by SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators.

March 08, 2018


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