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University News

University News

Growth in New Freshmen, Transfers Among UCM Enrollment Successes

Successes that include 5.1 percent growth in new freshmen, a 3.4 percent increase in new transfer students, and a 1.1 percent increase in student retention are being experienced at the University of Central Missouri.

September 15, 2017
University News

Building Partnerships, UCM Group Welcomed to Nepal's Largest University

A travel mission designed to promote opportunities for international students and to develop new partnerships benefiting students at the University of Central Missouri, President Charles Ambrose and a small group of UCM faculty and staff were welcomed today to the largest university in Nepal.

September 15, 2017
University News

Emotions Stirred by 9-11 Tragedy Touch Students, Continue to Impact Nation

It doesn’t matter how old you are, if you have been living in the United States since Sept. 11, 2001, chances are you still likely feel the emotional impact that has stirred the nation since the worst act of terrorism to ever occur on American soil. This includes university students, according to Brig. Gen. John Nichols, guest speaker at the 2017 Patriot Day on the University of Central Missouri campus.

September 11, 2017


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