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University News

University News

UCM Friendship Families Program Seeks Community Participants

The Friendship Families program in the Office of Mentoring, Advocacy and Peer Support at the University of Central Missouri is seeking local families and individuals to participate in the program that provides local connections for international students at UCM.

July 25, 2017
University News, events

The UCM Experience Kickoff Planned for Incoming UCM Freshmen

First-year students entering the University of Central Missouri this fall will receive a head start on learning about college life as they participate in the UCM Experience Kickoff Aug. 10-13.

July 25, 2017
facstaff, University News

Best Assumes Role as Interim Senior VP for Finance and Administration

Having been part of the team effort to develop the University of Central Missouri’s Strategic Resource Allocation Model (SRAM), Roger Best, current dean of the Harmon College of Business and Professional Studies, will employ his professional leadership skills for an assignment as Interim Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration.

July 20, 2017


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