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University News

Warrensburg Middle School Students Offer Assistance to UCM K-9

A group of students from Warrensburg Middle School recently presented the UCM Department of Public Safety with a portion of the funds needed to purchase a safety vest for Echo, the UCM K-9.

May 23, 2017

Illinois Educator to Lead UCM College of Education as Dean

Robert E. Lee, an Illinois educator whose background includes developing partnerships with members of university-based teacher education programs, public schools and community organizations, will now play a role in preparing Missouri teachers and administrators as dean of the University of Central Missouri College of Education.

May 19, 2017

S&P Global A+ Stable Rating Signifies Sound Fiscal Management for UCM

While the University of Central Missouri continues to plan for budget challenges in Fiscal Year 2018, the university’s attention to sound fiscal management has gained an A+ stable rating outlook for the second consecutive year by an internationally known credit rating agency.

May 17, 2017


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