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University News

University News

MIC Students Take Internships to New Level in Preparation for High-tech Jobs

While colleges and universities encourage internships as a way to gain job-ready experience, students at The Missouri Innovation Campus are taking the concept to an extended level, and it’s paying off with great jobs when they graduate--two years ahead of other students their age.

September 28, 2016
events, University News

Performing Arts Series Presents A Capella Group 'Vocalosity'

The Performing Arts Series, in cooperation with UCM’s student programming organization, The Spotlight, brings the New York touring group Vocalosity to the UCM campus at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 4, in Hendricks Hall.

September 28, 2016
University News

Humphreys Building Contingency Funding Among Board Action Items

An increase to the Humphreys Building project contingency fund, and a new Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering degree, which would be the first such program in Missouri, were among items approved by the University of Central Missouri Board of Governors when it recently met on campus.

September 22, 2016


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