Open Calendar


University News

UCM Launches 'The UCM Experience Kickoff' for Incoming Freshman

First-year students entering the University of Central Missouri this fall will receive a head start on learning about college life as they participate in the UCM Experience Kickoff Aug. 11-14.

August 05, 2016
University News, awards, facstaff

Iske Recognized by the American Industrial Hygiene Association with the Henry F. Smyth, Jr. Award

S. D. Allen Iske, Jr., professor of safety sciences in the School of Environmental, Physical and Applied Sciences in the College of Health, Science, and Technology at the University of Central Missouri, has been named the recipient of the 2016 Henry F. Smyth, Jr. Award by the American Industrial Hygiene Association.

July 29, 2016
University News

Relationship with Husch Blackwell Provides Leadership, Service in Legal Affairs

Building a team with proven expertise to help the University of Central Missouri navigate through changes in federal law and other legal matters that affect higher education, UCM has expanded its relationship with Husch Blackwell LLP to provide staff leadership and services on a full-time basis in the campus’ Office of Legal Affairs and Risk Management.

July 27, 2016


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