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University News

University News, awards

National Academic Advising Association Honors UCM Advisor

After being recognized at the campus, state and regional level, longtime University of Central Missouri staff member Paula Brant is now earning national recognition in her field. She will receive the Outstanding Advising Award presented by the National Academic Advising Association.

July 13, 2016
awards, University News

UCM CIS Students Place First in National Competition

Two University of Central Missouri students claimed first place in national competition at the 2016 Association of Information Technology Professionals National Collegiate Conference and Career Fair in Chicago.

July 05, 2016
facstaff, collegehealth, University News, Republic Airways, collegeeducation, UCM Aviation, awards, ExpressJet, Memoranda of understanding

UCM Aviation Announces Agreements with Republic Airways, ExpressJet

Students in the Department of Aviation at the University of Central Missouri will reap the benefits of agreements recently signed with two regional airlines.

April 13, 2016


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