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University News

University News, student awards, Muleskinner

Muleskinner Students Capture 25 Individual and Team State Awards

Demonstrating their skills in several journalism, advertising and digital media categories, members of the Muleskinner, the University of Central Missouri’s student newspaper, captured a total of 25 individual and team awards during the Missouri College Media Association’s annual convention and awards program.

April 14, 2022
Julie Lewis Muleskinner Advisor Portrait
University News, Muleskinner

Muleskinner Adviser Julie Lewis Named Recipient of 2021 Adviser Award

Julie Lewis, assistant instructor of digital media production and faculty adviser for the University of Central Missouri’s student-led newspaper, the Muleskinner, is being recognized as one of the College Media Association's 2021 Best Media Advisers in the nation. Lewis was one of three Honor Roll Advisers recognized from four-year institutions.

October 11, 2021


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