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OPT STEM Extension

Inaccurate I-983 fee - Beginning July 8, 2024 the $100 STEM OPT Case Management Fee must be paid again if you submit an inaccurate form I-983 more than once. See the chart below as an example.

*To avoid the additional fees, work with your employer to submit the I-983 correctly the first time. We have many resources available below to guide you on the process.

First time STEM OPT:

STEM OPT Fees   Before July 8,   2024  On or After July 8, 2024
Submit STEM OPT app $100 $100
Submit I-983 to ISS and receive a reply requesting edits (1st) $0 $0
Submit I-983 to ISS and receive a request for edits again (2nd) $0 $100
Submit I-983 to ISS and receive a request for edits again (3rd) $0 $100
Total $100   Example: $300 (ISS requested I-983 edits 3 times)  



Application Requirements:

  • USCIS Request
    • I-765, Application for Employment Authorization - Once the OPT STEM Extension I-20 is received, OPT STEM Extension applications must then be submitted to USCIS through the online I-765 application.
    • Accreditation document - USCIS generally requests proof of accreditation only if you are applying for STEM OPT with a previous degree. If you need proof of accreditation for your application you can print the action letter from the Higher Learning Commission website.
  • OPT STEM Extension Approval

Students may continue working on OPT for up to 180 days after the original OPT end date while USCIS is processing the submitted OPT STEM Extension application.

Upcoming OPT STEM Extension Live webinars (click the link to register):

OPT STEM Extension Resources:

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Degree complete -  The UCM degree must be awarded by the time that the OPT STEM Extension application is submitted.
    • All outstanding U grades must be complete.
    • Degree awarded must be indicated on the final transcript.
  • Degree is STEM eligible - Only students who have completed certain UCM degrees are eligible to apply for the OPT STEM Extension.
    • The following list of UCM degrees are STEM Eligible.
    • If a student's program is not on the list, they may not apply for OPT STEM Extension.
    • Notice: Each school has different STEM eligible programs. One school may have a program that is STEM eligible, but at another school the same program is not STEM eligible.

This is due to the unique CIP Codes assigned to programs at each school.

  • Job Offer - The employer must offer a paid position within the student's degree field. The employer must be e-verified and the position must include 20 hours of work per week or more.

Application Period and Deadlines:

  • 3 months before - 1 day before approved post-completion OPT end date. Up to 90 days before and 1 day before the last day of post completion OPT approval.

USCIS must not receive the application before or after the application window.

  • Within 60 days of OPT STEM Extension I-20 issuance.

USCIS must not receive the application more than 60 days after the issue date found on the OPT STEM Extension I-20.

  • If application is not submitted to USCIS within the 60 day period, contact to request an OPT I-20 cancellation and reissue.
  • If a 'rejection notice' is received from USCIS, contact to request an OPT I-20 cancellation and reissue.
    • This is especially important if resubmission after the rejection notice will near the 60 day period from when the OPT I-20 was issued.

Health Insurance: 

For information regarding enrolling in UCM Health Insurance while on OPT please go back to the forms page and select Health Insurance. 



OPT STEM Employment Updates

Students approved for 24 month OPT are required to update employer details within 10 days each time that they begin working for a new employer.  Please complete the following form and submit a new form I-983 to update 24 Month OPT STEM employment details.


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