Amenities Included in a standard residence hall room

View of South Yeater
Located on west side of campus in close distance to Union, Health Center, and Todd Dining Center

View of South Yeater
Located on west side of campus in close distance to Union, Health Center, and Todd Dining Center

South Yeater Hall Diagram
Room Size is 11' X 17'

View of South Yeater Main Lounge
Space provided for studying and recreational activities

View of Loung located on ground floor of South Yeater
Space provided for studying and recreational activities

View of South Yeater Kitchen
Kitchen space where students can utilize stove and microwave for various cooking needs. Students may also use items such as air fryers, slow cookers, etc in this space.

View of Decorated South Yeater Room

View of Decorated South Yeater Room.
Rooms come with 2 sets of mini blinds for windows.
Windows are 7 ft in width by 5 Ft in length

View of Decorated South Yeater room including closet and dresser area.

Standard South Yeater Room
Each room is provided with 2 desks and chairs that can be arranged as needed within room.
Each desk has a "pencil drawer" and 3 drawers on the side.

View of a Decorated South Yeater Room

View of a Decorated South Yeater room showing door providing entry into suite bathroom.

Closet Area/Measurements
Closet measurements and other often requested dimensions/measurements: Windows: 5 Feet Tall X 7 Feet Wide storage heigher under bed when manually adjusted to highest setting: 33 Inches. Without adjusting, approximately 18-20 inches. Desktops: 4 ft x 2 ft

Standard residence hall bed (XL Twin) and comfort-flip mattress. Be sure to purchase XL twin sheets.
Headboards/footboards vary by building.
If students choose to bunk their bed in South Yeater, a safety rail is required. Rails and ladder can be requested at the desk free of charge.

Standard Residence Hall Bathroom
Bathrooms include standard tub/shower, toilet, sink & vanity and wall shelves
Shower liners/curtains & shower liner hooks not provided by UCM.
Shower rod is provided.

Standard Residence Hall Bathroom
Bathrooms include standard tub/shower, toilet, sink & vanity and wall shelves
Shower liners/curtains & shower liner hooks not provided by UCM.
Shower rod is provided.

Standard Residence Hall Bathroom
Bathrooms include standard tub/shower, toilet, sink & vanity and wall shelves
Shower liners/curtains & shower liner hooks not provided by UCM.
Shower rod is provided.