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University News

University News, Trio Day, Governor Jay Nixon, Trio

Governor Proclaims Saturday, Feb. 27 TRIO Day

To commemorate the continued efforts of TRIO programs and to focus the nation’s attention on the needs of disadvantaged young people and adults aspiring to improve their lives through education, Missouri Governor Jay Nixon has proclaimed Saturday, Feb. 27, TRIO Day in Missouri.

February 22, 2016
Board of Governors, University News

Board Actions Enhance Quality Campus Environment, Education Outreach

Actions taken by the Board of Governors Feb. 12 will enable the University of Central Missouri to make continued progress toward enhancing the quality of the campus learning and living environment while also extending its educational outreach to more than 1 million Missourians.

February 15, 2016
Fanson Kidwaro, University News, Board of Directors, Non-land-grant Agricultural and Renewable Resources

Kidwaro Appointed to National Board Serving Non-land-grant Universities

An organization that is instrumental in seeking federal support for research and other opportunities at non-land-grant institutions, including the University of Central Missouri, has UCM campus representation at the top level following the appointment of Fanson Kidwaro to its Board of Directors. He will be meeting with the group in March.

February 12, 2016


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