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University News

Vinyl Wraps, University News, Shuttle Service, bus, Learning to a Greater Degree

Vinyl Wraps Allow Shuttle Service to Double as Mobile Message Provider

Motorists traveling between Warrensburg and Lee’s Summit are getting a lot of exposure to the University of Central Missouri, with UCM finding a creative way to take the Learning to a Greater Degree message into the streets and highways of west central Missouri .

January 26, 2016
University News, Marla J. Selvidge

Professor Emerita Marla J. Selvidge Publishes Two Books

“Women Nobel Peace Prize Winners” by Anita Price Davis, Charles A. Dana Professor of Education Emerita at Converse College, Spartanburg, S.C, and Marla J. Selvidge, Ph.D., professor emerita of religious studies at UCM, was published by McFarland Press in December, 2015. It chronicles the lives and accomplishments of all of the female Nobel Peace Prize Winners from 1905-2014. Author and educator, Regina Birchem, wrote the Forward.

January 26, 2016
University News, Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search, 22 Million Digit Mersenne Prime Number, Curtis Cooper

UCM Professor Finds Record 22 Million Digit Mersenne Prime Number

A University of Central Missouri professor who has been involved in a 20-year-long continuous research project with a global network of individuals using computer processors, has discovered the world’s largest known prime number. It was found on a computer at UCM - Lee’s Summit.

January 21, 2016


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